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Ban for Fun


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Banning jaosals because I ban you so you can ban me because you want to ban me because I'm the Chief of The Lounge and you want to ban the Chief of The Lounge, so you ban me which forced me to ban you again then you ban me because you finally ban the Chief of the Lounge that makes you happy, but now I have to ban you because you have banned the Chief of The Longue which is Ancient Aeon which is me which means you have banned me but because this is a game I can ban you again and again and again and again, and probably you or someone like you or someone not like you will ban me which makes I need to ban them because they are banning me.
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I ban Ancient Aeon for banning jaosals because I wanted to ban jaosals first but you beat me to it so I threw my monitor out of the window but Santa Claus caught it before it hit the ground and banned me for wanted to ban and I got mad and banned him then the raindeer banned me but before I could ban them the flew off to deliver more gifts so I chased them in the cool hang-glider I got for Christmas and flew over your house, saw you, and now you're banned. Merry Christmas.
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