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An Idea I had for Energy Weapon Ammo


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Alright, I had this idea for a new way the game could handle energy weapon ammo. I always found it confusing that the game would handle individual cells as one bullet even though the weapons themselves usually only consumed the ammo as charges. This became even more confusing when New Vegas came out with ammo now dropping empty cells occasionally when fired. Why are cells being consumed in place of charges and giving me back empty cells?


Anyway, back on topic. My idea is this: Somehow making energy weapons just drop one cell when they had depleted their current 'clip' and charging the cells with fission batteries or existing energy cells. I'm guessing this is going to have be done through scripting, which I'm not even a little bit experienced with. Would anyone how I would go around doing what I've proposed?

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Alright, I had this idea for a new way the game could handle energy weapon ammo. I always found it confusing that the game would handle individual cells as one bullet even though the weapons themselves usually only consumed the ammo as charges.


I'll be honest, I'm not sure I correctly understand what your getting at. I think a single energy cell model can represent a single "charge" or a 100 charges. I don't think the game "handle individual cells as one bullet".


This became even more confusing when New Vegas came out with ammo now dropping empty cells occasionally when fired


I didn't think things like the laser pistol had shell casings to drop.....


Anyway, back on topic. My idea is this: Somehow making energy weapons just drop one cell when they had depleted their current 'clip'


I'm not sure how you would have it drop a energy cell model after a full clip via the weapon form.....the only thing I could think of is shell casings and you wouldn't want a new energy shell model after each shot.

If there was script function telling you when a weapon reloads, you could have a placeatme clip. But I don't see anything close to that function in teh vanilla game or NVSE.


and charging the cells with fission batteries or existing energy cells.


re: the charging, you can do it through recipes. Not much different from energy cell recycling, except they would require your clip and fission battery.

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It's perfectly alright, I'm not very good at explaining things and I was trying to get it out fast. I've got charging the individual cells down(It was fairly easy to do).


But for the rest of it, Think of energy weapon ammo as real world rechargable batteries or something similar. I'm not looking for the depleted cell to be dropped physically in the game world, but instead placed in your inventory like it is in vanilla. But what I'm looking to do is to get the game to place the depleted cell to be placed in your inventory only when you have after you have fired all your ammo and need to reload, instead of it being a possiblity of getting a depleted cell after every shot.


Is this a better explaination.

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But what I'm looking to do is to get the game to place the depleted cell to be placed in your inventory only when you have after you have fired all your ammo and need to reload,


Not unless you can find a function that can tell when you reload (or how many shots you'v used, but that's different ammo use for each weapon) and I don't see that in the vanilla game or NVSE.

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