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Chrono Trigger in Skyrim


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I recently started playing Chrono Trigger again and immediately thought of how much I would love to bring as much as I possibly could from that world into Skyrim. I'm just looking for general thoughts, ideas, and possibly help making this a reality.
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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I just started and am attempting to recreate the entire Chrono trigger world space, all time eras and dungeons. Might be looking for assistance in the future for adding in quests, and if possible some character modeling.

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  • 1 month later...

Cool. Wasnt considering doing voice acting and was just gunna go the subtitle route. But hey if I have volunteers, why the heck not.


Im definitely gunna need assistance with scripting for a few things especially quests if you know of anyone interested


So far I've completed the layout for leene square,truce village, guardia forest,the exterior of guardia castle, and finally denedoro mountains. Simple landscape textures and clutter to do for them still.

I'm combining 600ad and 1000ad for now and will copy it and separate it later since they are so similar. Oh and I have done the end of time as well.


Would love if someone could do some character modeling, especially for Robo and Frog.

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  • 7 months later...

Its been a while, got caught up in Life stuff. Decided to jump back into this. Here are some screen shots. Any tips or suggestions going forward are welcomed.

First pic is at the End of Time

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