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Rebuilding Homes and giving People places to stay


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There seems to be allot of burned down Homes or burned down Carriages with dead Horses, witch is basically part of the Alduin Attack. Please Rebuild them after the MQ and Delete the Carriage with the Dead Horse.


Some Quest Related NPC's like Nepos in Markath dies, but i keep robbing an Empty House for the Radiant Thieves Guild Quest. Please make New People move in there.


After you kill Mercer, Nobody claims his Home, it would be a great place for me with my Personal Guards.


After the MQ of Dawnguard, the Building for the Vigilant of Stendarr near Dawnstar are still in ruin, please Rebuild their Home so they can live there again.


Please make the Goldenglow Estate Mine with my own Mercenaries, since i have the Deed.


Edited by daventry
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Some of these things have been on my mind as well.


- the overturned carriages and dead horses are the outcome of bandit attacks, I think? The only burned down homes I have seen are in Helgen. From what I gather, Helgen is a particularly problematic area to modify.


- interesting idea about the homeless couple, not sure how feasible. At a guess, they are like the other wanderers you run into, i.e, not permanently 'in' the Skyrim worldspace but generated randomly, depending on a set of variables.


- always wondered about Mercer's nice, big empty house too.


- the Vigilants were decimated in the DG vampire attack and the survivors have scattered. Not sure if there's enough of them to even have an Order anymore.


- I've always used Frost if I acquired him, so not sure where he gets 'stabled' under other circumstances. At Riften stables?


- this is well worth taking up. Seeing poor Fastred roaming homelessly around Riften with Bassianus, I kicked myself for choosing him. He comes off as so feckless. 'Let's elope, m'luv -- and live as penniless vagrants!'


The only thing is, since these all deal with vanilla NPCs and locations, what would be the long term impact on the game? If there's any. Edit: would love to give a couple of these a shot and see how miserably I fail at scripting but too many irons in the fire. :D Hope someone can fulfill your request.

Edited by nonoodles
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- the overturned carriages and dead horses are the outcome of bandit attacks, I think? The only burned down homes I have seen are in Helgen. From what I gather, Helgen is a particularly problematic area to modify.


It isn't necessary to rebuild exactly in the same place, if I'm not mistaken, there is a small flat area to the northwest of Helgen's ruins


And the civil war showld make people move too, most people would move out from a city with a Jarl they hate...

Edited by condehashade
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When you kill the Crazy Beggar who is looking for his Sister, its just a ruined little building, please Delete it from the Game after he is dead.


If you do Kill Silus for the Deadric Blade, the House becomes Empty, why not Script it after his Death the Place become Yours with Nothing as Stolen.


You know the Brother you Kill for the Dark Brotherhood at the Market Place in Whiterun, well the Stall is now Always Empty, please put a New NPC there that lives at the Drunkens Huntsmen.

Edited by daventry
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