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Cass: how have I not noticed this before?! is it a bug?


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Maybe this should go in general discussion, but anyways...


New Vegas Redesigned II makes Cass's outfit playable and I've had her in something else for ages. I didn't notice anything weird when I recruited her, or the gameplay in her default outfit afterwards. Nor have I noticed anything weird in the literally thousands of hours I've put into this game over the years.


But I went to change her back into her default outfit recently, and the invisible wrist action totally stood out:






Edit: ok, after scouring the webz a bit more, it seems that this is just the way things are with Cass. Maybe body replacers are a workaround and that's why I didn't notice it 'til now. (I'm vanilla in this game, but in past ones I've used body replacers.) Dammit, I wish I would never noticed! :tongue:


Oddly enough, in the GECK she looks fine. In the preview of her NPC record, she actually has fleshy wrists.


Edit2: found a mod that fixed it: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37099?tab=posts

Edited by kevkiev
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