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[LE] Door and Activator Issues

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" I really like how the door to the "yard" of the College of Winterhold opens automatically when you walk up to it "

Put around the portcullis gate a trigger box + link it to the trigger box and add to it this script :
This script will activate itself when entered and left. This script only works on triggerboxes.
" I also want to know how to get the Dwemer lock-box to work with a lever. "
For this you need to make a custom script that removes the " Key " required condition that the lock has, and make it to respond to the Lever without inserting a Key.
* By Dwemer lock-box, you do mean the Dwemer lock that is in Blackreach. Otherwise, i don't know what you mean...
Edited by maxarturo
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I haven't play the game for more than 1.5 year, i've been mainly modding, so i can't remember which box you are talking about. Sorry...

Unless you give me a nif-CK model name or at least an image, i can't provide more help.

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- The Dwe Lock has only an open/unlock animation.

- The Dwe Stairs/Entrance has the option in its properties to start open and then close it or start close and the open it.

In order to make it open and close you need to make a custom script so that on activate (open/close) will play both animations.

- The DweRepository01 hasn't a single Link Ref to anything in that cell, this mean that its animation (activation) is control by the quest attach to it, in order to make it "activatable" you need to search the quest attach to it and find the animation name that this activator runs, then use that to make a custom script to respond to anything you might need it to respond to.

Or see how the mod you saw it does it (see its script).

I can see that this wasn't much of a help, or at least the answer to you expected...

If i wasn't so focus on finishing my mod i would make you some scripts, but unfortunately i'm speding every single free minute i have on my project, i'm very close to finish it. Sorry...

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