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Flying Brooms?


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Just imagine it... you're in someone's house, and you are rummaging through their stuff...

You find the usual...tongs, calipers, folded cloth... all the worthless stuff...

But wait!

There is a broom in there too, just in the corner.

You've read the books, you know the magic, and only you can see the potential of that innocent looking domestic cleaning utensil.

You pick it up, and run outside, eager to test out your new skills.

And then you shoot from the ground in an exhilarating burst of speed across the skies of Tamriel.


How cool would that be? The use of a seemingly useless object. Everyone knows witches can fly on brooms, so why not in oblivion too?


This is a good scripting and animation challenge, one i wish i could myself pursue, but cannot due to lack of skill and time. But someone with suficient talent could make this idea possible. Really the concept isnt too hard is it? I hardly know what i am talking about, but i think that if Midas could make you fly on a rug, and other people could make you ride on a flying horse and dragon... why not a broom. The animations would be slightly different for sure, but it would be a sleek and personal feel. You dont need to summon anything, and a broom certainly isnt going to die. pick it up, get on and go. It is yours, and while i certainly enjoy the other mods of flying... this could be another good one if done properly. You could even balance its effects by making it drain magicka for however long you are flying. and of course, if anyone REALLY wanted to take this up, i am sure the human mind is limitless as to the number of aerial stunts that could be pulled off. With all the wing and flying mount mods out there, this is mainly only a problem of animating the character's mounting of the broom (which could be the broom floating there, and them hopping on, similar to the horse; or maybe something more daring, like throwing it out and jumping on smoothly and tucking in to reduce wind drag like in the wizard of Oz...) there are just so many possibilities for this idea, and I would be greatly appreciative and impressed if someone were to undertake this project.

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unfortunately...each one of these (well two since one isnt really related) has TONS of bugs in them. I was asking this question mainly because the other ones do not work very well. Hopefully, some things can be improved upon. Mainly just looking for mods to make the things that should be used in the game but arent used again for some purpose. Just reminding some people that this is a good enough idea to get the kinks fixed.
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