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Hi, Everyone!


I'm a newbie moder that stopped making a mod for a long time and started again.


The question arises during the meshing process in the _0.nif file (body mesh), which has a weight of zero. In _1.nif, whose weight is equal to 100, the head mesh and the body mesh jointed together well, so there was no problem in meshing. However, the _0.nif file (body mesh) and the head mesh do not fit together and there is a neck seam problem. Please see the attached file below.


The head mesh does not have two separate _0.nif and _1.nif files, whereas the body mesh is divided into two minimum / maximum weight files, so it is understood that the head meshes are not bordered with each other. The point I want to ask is, then, how do we do the body mesh modeling for that connection in the work between _0.nif and the head mesh? In the attachment below, I'm wondering whether the bottom connection of the head mesh and the top connection of the body mesh should be aligned.


I asked this question because the circle part of the attachment overlaps the collar of the armor mod that covers the body mesh I'm making over the lower part of the head mesh and the upper part of the body mesh.


Thank you for reading my article, and I would like to ask for your help and comments.

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The border between body and head does indeed change with body weight. The reason for why there are no two versions of the head model is that it uses a different method to store this information than most other body parts and armors.


While shape changes for the latter are dynamically interpolated by the game by comparing the _0 and _1 meshes, the head has this change "hardcoded" as a morph in its corresponding TRI file (where other head morphs are stored as well, like facai expressions, etc.). As you saw, the head NIF has the _1 shape while the _0 shape comes from the TRI.


Depending on the import / export tools available for your 3d modeler it is possible to import that TRI to get to the correct _0 neck shape. Or maybe you can even find a download for a correctly shaped _0 head exported from the morph.

Alternatively you can save yourself this additional step and just model your _0 armor off of the _0 body necksesam, guess the shape of the neck above that seam and then test in the game if you have any clipping problems requiring corrections.



Since I never worked with TRIs before, this got me into a quick import / export workflow experimet.

I exported both the vanilla male and female head in their 0 weight form as OBJs and, as a bit of service, uploaded them for anyone who might need them: https://uploadfiles.io/98mcpmah

(Link expires after a 30 days)

Edited by Pineappletree
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Thank you for the detailed explanation and attached file. I'm having a problem with the above, but I'm going to test it again and work on Blender.


The border between body and head does indeed change with body weight. The reason for why there are no two versions of the head model is that it uses a different method to store this information than most other body parts and armors.


While shape changes for the latter are dynamically interpolated by the game by comparing the _0 and _1 meshes, the head has this change "hardcoded" as a morph in its corresponding TRI file (where other head morphs are stored as well, like facai expressions, etc.). As you saw, the head NIF has the _1 shape while the _0 shape comes from the TRI.


Depending on the import / export tools available for your 3d modeler it is possible to import that TRI to get to the correct _0 neck shape. Or maybe you can even find a download for a correctly shaped _0 head exported from the morph.

Alternatively you can save yourself this additional step and just model your _0 armor off of the _0 body necksesam, guess the shape of the neck above that seam and then test in the game if you have any clipping problems requiring corrections.



Since I never worked with TRIs before, this got me into a quick import / export workflow experimet.

I exported both the vanilla male and female head in their 0 weight form as OBJs and, as a bit of service, uploaded them for anyone who might need them: https://uploadfiles.io/98mcpmah

(Link expires after a 30 days)

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