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Whats a solid ENB mod for a 560 GTX?


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Im not very good at technological terms, but my game is set on high graphics if thats what you are asking. It does that by itself when i first loaded the game on. look here for some of my pics, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/143215 I have 8 gig ram and 1 tb harddrive.


I just followed the instructions on the web page for installation.

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I wounder if you yourself might do better by turning the nvidia ssao on to performance, use your enb to unf*ck all the other stuff and get nvidias help to bring the game into the modern age.


Even enabling nvidia AO will drag things down but that's probably due to some of the other enb goodies enabled. When I have some time to tinker with it I'll be sure to end up dragging my game into the 21st century, kicking and screaming. :laugh:


Unbleak looks nice.

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