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Starting a new game from a copied test profile


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I use Vortex. I set up a test profile to play around with mods and my load order. When I felt I had everything working together and everything looked good and ran well I copied the test profile to a new one, Cleaned out all the saves and started fresh after 1st doing a "coc riverwood" with no save then returning to the main menu and chose new game with Alt Start and using my character preset began a new game. Having recently started SE and Vortex still unsure about some steps. Was I suppose to disable all the mods in the new profile then enabling them all again before starting? With the Riverwood Forest mod I have a grass layer and a mountain cliff face with a large river running thru it. Looks kind of ... wrong :smile:


Fixed. Somehow load order changed. Had my Majestic Mountains loading after the Riverwood Forest changes. Just switched them around. Remembered I added an option to the mountains and reinstalled.

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