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FO3 Crash on start (geck?)


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Well i've been playing FO3 perfectly for a couple days now, everything worked fine, even used some mods with NMM,

I wanted to build my own city so I downloaded GECK to make my own, and all I did was open Geck, open Fallout3.esm, then save the esm file. After which I watch loads of tutorials so I could better use geck, and then I decided to postpone my mod, so that I could finish the story line so when I went to run the game Via Fose through custom launcher like I always do my game started crashing on start up. It goes straight to black screen and then crashes forcing me to use comand prompt to end task to even get my mouse to re appear and exit the crash screen.


If anyone has had this issue, I'd like to know if you found a way to fix it, with out having to delete everything and re-install the game.


Running Fallout 3 1.7 patch All dlc

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" open Fallout3.esm, then save the esm file. " do you mean esp ? the only change prior to and at the scence of the car crash is that esm you saved where is it located its not live in your load order is it ? check your launcher and your mod manager to make sure its not active ( checked ) if it is uncheck it


failing that its an archive invalidation issue you do have a mod manager dont you........???? ( do this first )

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