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Graphic Problem - Shimmer / Jaggering / Flickering...


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Hello There, I need some help.

I'm having a problem with the game that I can't fix or find a solution.
I imagine the problem is some anti aliasing setting, but I don't have deep knowledge on the topic to know what to do. I've also searched in various ways on google to see if I found something and not found.
I have already uninstalled all the mods and even the game itself and reinstalled it again, but even without the mods the problem remains.
The problem is more visible on the grass as you can see in the video below (watch in full screen).
(TAA off, FXAA off, EDGEAA on)



I have tested with ENB Edge AA, I have tested with FXAA, and I have tested with TAA. TAA diminishes the effect, but when I move it causes a blur and a distortion and the problem becomes visible.

PC Hardware:
I7 8400k
RTX 2070
16 gb Ram

Graphic MODS:

Rudy ENB
OBsidian Weathers
Enhanced Lights and FX
Northern Grass
Majestic Montains
Pfuscher mods

Anyone knows how to help me?

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