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Show some respect for the new lord of the castle.


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This is basically just several ideas that I think could be implemented into dawnguard (the volkihar side specifically). I'd do them myself but I'm really terrible with the CK and scripting. If somebody does get around to any of the following ideas after reading this thread I'd respectfully ask that you could give me just a little bit of credit.


1. More random vampire attacks after completing the Volkihar clan questline. It seemed really stupid that you have a bow that can black out the sun but when you use it nothing happens. It should be like christmas in July for all these vampires


2. The members of the court in Castle Volkihar are pretty useless. You're so badass that you defeated Harkon, a several thousand year old vampire, but Orthjolf still threatens to rip off your arms if you "get in his way." He needs to show some respect. Even if all he wants is to take the throne from you he should still get on his knees and kiss up and only threaten to destroy you when you're not looking. Another thing is that their's like no followers. The deathhounds, despite being pretty cool, die really easily and there's only two of them. I want some actual vampire escorts or something. You're a lord now. When you go to bite people's necks your should be able to roll out in style.


3. You're still the youngest and most inexperienced member of clan Vokihar. Why are you and Harkon the only one's that can transform? You and your new brothers and sisters should all be badass creatures of the night that are so OP they can 3 shot dragons. (sidenote: Dragons should be buffed a little bit.)


4. You killed Molag Bal's champion. He's probably not all that amused. Then again... He is the daedric prince of domination. You dominated his old champion and now you've replaced him. You'd think he'd help you out a little bit by giving you some of the extra powers that Harkon had but instead he doesn't really give a damn. Molag Bal is your lord now so you should be able to show him some respect too. Your deity should be able to give you gifts.


5. The chapel where you wake up and where you finish the fight is actually really boring. Also nobody ever seems to use it. If we could maybe spruce it up a little bit and maybe enable other people to go in there and actually do some daedra worshipping that'd be pretty cool. Throw in an altar for sacrifice and a coulpe pews or something.


Any Input would be much appreciated as long as you aren't just bashing my ideas. If somebody wants to get started on any of these ideas or if you already have please let me know because I look forward to using any if not all of these future mods.

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