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Sharp water edges


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After modding and placing water enhanced redux; I've been having retarted sharp edges apperaring in water. So I deleted all of skyrim in steam apps/common/Skyrim, ALL OF IT!! than deleted my documents/my games/skyrim files, All OF IT!! Additionaly I than deleted all of skyrim INI. Preferences. On top of that, I deleted all of Nexus Mod manager files, and Boss, just in case, who knows. Than Unsubsribed all water textures from steam..anything to do with water textures. Even checked in my local/roaming files of any skyrim files, deleted those too!!!


After completion of deletion, I than redowloaded a clean install of skyrim and tested to see if Vanilla water is back to its original state...But NOO!!!!I still have W.A.T.E.R enhanced redux with Sharp Edges...WTF!!!!!!!!!

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