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[LE] How to replicate the "spell fail" affect for a non magicka dependant spell


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I've been working on custom spells for awhile now and I need them all to use something other than magicka as its source. I've figured this out by simple item checks and removing items scripts; however my problem rests with the base magicka system.


When you have no magicka the game forces you to fail your cast when attempting, but since my spells don't use magicka I have no idea how to get them to fail when they run out of the other source. I have a way of tracking how much of it I have on me so It seems like it would be an easy call of a function, like if someItem == 0 fail cast or something. But I can't find anything on what function to use.

Does anyone know how the affect actually works and what code is used for the base magicka?


Also how do I get my magic affect to occur every time I cast it? Currently I can fire it at will and it does nothing unless I successfully hit someone. But I want it to run even if I miss. I tried on cast but it doesn't work, I've been stuck on this forever now.

Edited by Quibblonian101
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