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New to the forums here, not to mention new to modding Skyrim....Heck, I'm new to games period. So, I think I'm in the right place for this question.


It seems like a simple enough question, w/a likewise simple answer, but man, I've looked everywhere in CK to change the damage done when landing -with zero luck.


Here's the question. I've increased the jump distance to the point where there is no damage when landing. But, when jumping off a house, for example, my character is creamed and falls dead. Has anyone out there seen the CK location that may change the damage done upon landing? I've tried Gameplay>Jump/Fall settings without change. There is an option under gameplay > settings (filter: fall) FallLegDamageChance 50 that would seem to do the trick, but it's a no go there too. Any ideas?


thanks peeps!

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