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Mod Requirements: add author name to table


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Recently, I discovered that a certain mod author has black-listed me for openly challenging his/her childish demeanor in a forum thread. What that means of course, is that I cannot access any webpage containing his/her mods.



I have no overall "issue" with his/her decision. His/her work his/her choice. whatever.


What is of concern is that when I download a given mod by another author, which I am still welcome to use, it often has requirements, ie required companion or foundational mods upon which its operation is dependent.


Here's the issue. Some of those requirements *may be mods authored by the author noted above.


If the mod "Requirements" table only shows the dependency mod links and notes (ie., a brief mod overview, and which do not appear to contain any author information), then I have tunnel through through the dependency links in order to see if I am banned from completing a dependency installation for the aforementioned mod I want to download (ie the one I'm not blacklisted from using)


Again, no issue with any of this, except for the wasted time I may incur after installing several dependent mods and the run into one of the original list, or a tertiary dependency that IS a blacklisted content mod, or having to pre-check the dependency links (and their dependency links...). I either case, it's wasted time I could avoid.


Adding one more table entry to the "requirements" table in a mod listing, specifically citing the linked mod dependency authors (tunneled down optimally) would obviate that wasted time.


I kinda doubt I'm the only nexus member who has seen an author blacklisting, so other members would likely benefit from such a table entry as well.


thanks for reading.


(edited for spelling)

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