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Can't upload file to the Nexus - error in file name.


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I've tried 3 times to upload a file to the nexus and each time it says there is an error and the file name can only contain letters, numbers, spaces etc.

The first time I tried to upload it it had an "&" in the title so I renamed it and it wouldn't work.

I deleted the mod entirely and tried again twice, deleting the previous attempt each time and it still gives me the same message.

Is there some kind of problem with the site?

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The error message relates to the "Filename" you entered at the top of the page, not to the filename of the file you uploaded.

That's the last action you usually do on the "Manage files" page so you relate the error to it.


To circumvent that error I made some tests resulting in having test files unerasable in the archive for ever.

(Sorry for that...)


Yeah, this thing nearly drove me crazy, 'til I scrolled up again and found a "," in the file name.


To top this all: when you upload a file archive with a name containing a comma all's fine!

(Made my day, really....)

Edited by tombom81
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