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Assistance needed in creating fancy dancies


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Hiya! I'm new to this forum, so sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong topic or something, please direct me to the right place if I am. But I'm having a little bit of an issue with my attempts to add/replace some animations in Skyrim. (Spoiler alert: My issues are not so little)

I have spent literal hours searching for a tutorial on how to import/export the bsa files, then the hkx files, and I've only managed to get the file into hkx form. I've watched dozens of video tutorials but they're all so old and out of date, all of their programs are either abandoned or just not working for me. I just absolutely hate the werewolf animations, and would really love to make some of my own, but I can't seem to get it working. Any help would be appreciated!


Also, I use Blender. I do have Unity but no idea how to use it yet, so if searching for Unity stuff would be easier then by all means. If there's a modder out here who's reading this and is willing to extract then import the files for me, I will love you forever because I suck at programming and just software issues in general looool.

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