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Skijor came back from the dead !!!


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well ... you know that when you do the silver hand quest Skijor ( hope i spelled it correct ) will die , even if you try your best he dies :sweat:


err ... well ... after this i had several quests that i had to go in the place where Skijor died and i always could see his dead body laying on the ground.

but yesterday i went there again for a quest and his body was gone :woot: , well ... i thought it's like the body of bandits and dragons that disappear after a day or two , but ...when i went to jurvraskar ( sorry for the possible mistakes ) to report back to Farkas , Skijor was there safe and sound like he never had been killed and told me i still need to prove myself :woot: :blink: he is alive .... he came back from the dead !!! and he can give me quests , and the interesting thing is that he doesn't recognize me as harbinger but a whelp >:( :dry: :wallbash:


what kind of Glitch is this ? :huh:

to be honest i don't like him isn't there any code to send him back to the dead ? :ermm:

i don't want to kill him because then i have to repent for my crime :sad:


thank you

Edited by Misakichun
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It's pretty common that he comes back to life. If you want him gone, open the console with ~, click on him, type "kill" without quotes. There, now he's all nice and dead in the middle of the Companions' hall. ;) Edited by AnkhAscendant
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hmm ... yes .... :yes: why i didn't think of the kill command :yes: :yes: thank you .
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It didn't work :( he just bends and sneaks then gets up :wallbash: he is essential now :wacko: :woot: :sad: :mad: aaaaaa

noooooooooo :ohmy:

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