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Adding existing animation to exiting & new food items


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Hi, im trying to make new noodle food items and adding the existing standing and sitting noodles eating animation to it, including the default noodles. I'm mainly just using creation kit and only familiar with changing stats of weapons and armor. Is this possible to do it only using the creation kit? If so how? Thanks in advance.

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I believe there must be better info or a mod, doing similar, but here's, what i know.

Look at how Stimpak and StealthBoy do trigger animation on use. There is a keyword PlayAnimOnItemUse, and both items have own entry inside Activate animation event branches (1st and 3rd person). If don't care about conflicts - try to hook your consumables into the event's branch at the lowest level (first node).


Safer option - add a script, which does PlayIdle(), to one of magic effects bound to a consumable, but it won't work in 3rd person ("Pick up item" animation is played - existing Activate branch always catches the event first). This way i forced StealthBoy animation to play for my custom item without patching animations tree, but still have no good fix for 3rd person issue.


PlayAnimOnItemUse kw works interesting and weird - when item is activated ("consumed"), it won't be removed and effects won't apply, unless any idle anim is played immediately. Anyway, if activated from PipBoy - Pip will be closed (that also allows PlayIdle() to succeed, i don't know another way to close PipBoy from inside a mod).

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