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Mod Suggestion - XCOM SHADO


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It might not even be possible but how about this for an idea.




Mod the game entirely so it reflects the atmosphere of Gerry Anderson's UFO. Could it even be done?


I've played the demo and I'm about an hour into the game proper (no spoilers in this thread please!).


Some suggestion mod points :

  • Satellites become SID - Space Intruder Dectector (someone do a British 50's BBC voice for that?
  • Re-work the interceptor graphics to show moonbase interceptors.
    [*}Change uniforms to SHADO uniforms
    [*}Change base rooms to SHADO 70's vision of the 1980's equivalent (reel to reel computers, etc)
    [*}Change one of the aliens to red suited, green liquid breathers from the show.
    [*}I think the battlescapes maps might be too small for the SHADO mobiles,


It's probably just dreaming, but I'd love to see this.

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