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Spring Cleaning stops allowing scrapping?


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I've been using Spring Cleaning on my recent playthrough and I have enjoyed using it. However I have recently discovered some items which were previously scrappable are now no longer scrappable. Specifically two houses and one empty house foundation (from one of the ruined inaccesible ones) are no longer scrappable for some unknown reason. I have a possible lead for the houses, one is where I put my settler beds in and the other I have a bunch of scrapping stations, this is not consistent in the case of the house foundation however.


I have attempted storing all of the scrapping stations, however the house has not reverted to being scrappable, so I am not sure what this means. Even so this would not explain the one foundation, which is completely empty.


Has anyone else encountered this issue before or does anyone know of a fix which may resolve this issue? I have attempted reinstalling the mod, but this has not worked.



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