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Training Levels Reset on Sleep: HELP REQUIRED <3


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Hi everyone, first time posting here, so I hope I'm in the right place.

I just a had a neat little idea for a mod I'd like to make where your training levels 'reset' upon sleeping as well as when levelling up, however I admit while I've done a little bit of coding before, I'm a total novice as far as scripting for a Skyrim mod is concerned.

My thinking was something simple along the lines of creating a variable that equals iTrainingNumAllowedPerLevel + 5, then simply having the script set that game setting to the variable upon sleeping if your training is maxed out, preferably with an 'hours slept' requirement. Lastly, adding another function that resets
iTrainingNumAllowedPerLevel back to 5 upon level up.

End result should be that, if my training is maxed, after I sleep my training levels will be increased by 5, functionally acting the same as a level-up reset, but then setting it back to 5 upon an actual level-up to make sure the training cap doesn't reset at a value higher than 5 levels.

It all sounds pretty simple, easy and doable in my head, I just don't know where to start. Could any kind souls provide any useful information, or point me in the direction of some good tutorials to get me started?

Thanking you all very kindly for your help!

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