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[Request] Silent Unarmed Stealth Kill


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As of now, Daggers are the only weapon that is considered "Silent" by Bethesda, which means when you sneak kill someone with it, nobody will be alerted. I'm requesting someone to make a mod that makes Unarmed Stealth kills Silent aswell, because it's kinda ruining my stealth monk playthrough. I don't see why it wouldn't be considered silent, unarmed kills don't create any blood splatters or a loud stabbing sound.


Thanks in advance.

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Technically you just need the animation, then add it to the current list of kill animations for unarmed combat (or the sneak attack list). After that it's just script unarmed attacks to be silent. Or.. I don't think you even have to script to do it. I've never tried it myself, but I' am familiar with CK, and I think you can adjust the sound level for fists in the game since they are actually considered a weapon. Edited by hadoumastery
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