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Claymore Race Request


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Alright, Ive spent over 6 hours trying to make this myself but the unneccessary complexity of the TES Construction Set has broken the last strand of patience I have for trying to do this myself. Honestly, nothing should be that difficult to use.


All as I need is for someone to create a esp with the necessary facegen data and make two special abilities scripted so that they change the eye color while active (You can set it to use a default eye color so that I can go in and change it to use the correct eye texture). That way, I can finish off the rest of the information.


Heres two screenshots of basically what I want using Beautiful People 2ch Edition's Carrier race as a base


Claymore Race: http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r123/el...rad/Claire2.jpg

Claymore Race, Abilities Active: http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r123/el...trad/Claire.jpg


FaceGen Data































































































Ability names to be scripted for eye color change.



Yoki Boost

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Just to let you know, I'm working on this atm, the esp will be dependant on the BP ch2 edition esm file though. You can remove the dependancy with Tes4Gecko for example, if you need/want to. My scripting skills suck tho, so you'll have to do that part yourself.


edit1;Ah yes, noticed the 'same problem' you had, the previous values you've set to the face change when you move onto the next value, basically, if I get the 'last values' you've given me 'right' in the CS, the previous values will not be the same as I've set them to earlier. Now secondly;


The CS only allows the modification of the male version of the face in the race menu, that means you'll need to press 'reset face' to get the same face model for female.


edit2; Proceeding to test if the race looks what it should look like in-game, if it does, I'm handing over the esp.

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Yeah, I thought about just cloning the Carrier race to get the face values working but since theres no way to edit the EditorID I decided to just create a new race, but then I had problems with entering the data because the values wouldnt stay. Very frustrating.


As for the script on trying to get the abilities to change the eye color when active, I tried to look how the Vamprism disease changes the eye color to that Vampire red and thought to use the same principle, but when I looked up everything relating to the vampire disease, there was nothing about changing the eye color....very odd I think.


Its really irritating because I have everything (but abilities) the way I want it except for the FaceGen data. LoL.

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Well, the race finally looks like playable, but it'll need your 'personal' tweaks with the eyes & nose, to get them look the way you want. The set values are as close to the ones you gave as possible, but with the values changing with every move I made, there are variances. Hopefully it's at least close to what you intended. You could get a more perfect face if you got hold of someone who knows editing the head mesh well, thus removing the limits the CS has. Now, here is the .esp file;


<Removed attachment as it was only meant for ElizabethLestrad.>


I hope it's at least somewhat close to what you imagined, I tested it in-game and it didn't look bad tbh. If you want to tweak it, you're free to do so or I can do any tweaks you want, if you ask me. I'll just need to know what needs to be changed and how. Also, if you have Shivering Isles, you could use the Golden Saint eyes in the script.


P.S. The eye changing part is in one of the vampire scripts, looking for it after this post and I'll edit this once I find it.(I'll just say the script name.)


Edit; wasn't in the vampire script as I remembered, it was on a script from another mod. Talk with skingrad24 about using his script from Sharingan and Uchiha Clan-mod.



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I'll have to do that, Im still trying to figure out the FaceGen Data stuff and how to force values. It irks me greatly that whoever made the 2ch edition of Beautiful People had no problem doing the face stuff. Im still trying to figure out why you cant just type the values in and be done with it. Did you have to use some special program to do it or what?


Seriously, Ive read through every race creation tutorial I can find and none of them cover the FaceGen (not even that 48meg PDF guide...whatever it was called) or really any of the specific information.

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well, basically to get it even to temporarily save the value, click the one you're modifying, set the number and click the value you're modifying again, that way it prevents it from instantly resetting and saves it, however it changes the previous values of the same item like if you're modifying the nose for example.
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