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Locksmith & Hacker Rework


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I can only seem to find mods that make hacking / lock-picking easier by either practically removing the mini-game or having master rank in 1 perk.

What I'm looking for is a mod that does make it so you can lock-pick/hack masters right away but, the initial difficulty is basically near impossible and haves the perks make them easier.


So when you have no perk investment it'll be something like:

- Lock-picking sweet spots are reduced by 50% and lock-picks only last half as long

- Hacking only has 1 attempt and lock-out time is increased by 100%


And each level in each perk would do something like:

- Lock-picking sweet spots increase by 20%, lock-picks last 20% longer

- Hacking has +1 attempt and lock-outs decrease by 25%

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