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[LE] Help with Civil War Crime Factions

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It is very immersion breaking to see an opposing civil war faction attack town guards and then have your character incur a bounty for trying to help them. For example, imperials began attacking Riften and as thane of the city, I tried to assist, only to get a Rift bounty which then had both sides attacking me. This is absurd.


Is there a way to mod the crime factions in a way so that attacking any opposing Civil War NPC does not result in a bounty? For example, if I just used CWImperialFaction instead of CrimeFactionImperial, would that allow me to kill Imperials in a Stormcloak hold without consequence?

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Any thoughts after a week?


I didn't test it whatsoever, but I guess the changing crime faction of the attackers won't help. I guess, you could change something about the player faction to ally with the current location owner faction, and this would have a side-effect that attackers would attack the player character as well. So I guess what you should look for would be dependent also on what type of armor or clothes player is wearing, whether the weapon is sheathed or not, and so on. Did the bounty thing happen after you had joined a civil war faction, or before starting the civil war quest line?

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