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"Boom" Sound when there is a zone change


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Since the last time I played Oblivion, a little annoying sound bug came up. Everytime I, or any npc in my zone try to switch to another (I.E. When I watch an NPC enterering an Inn ). It makes a little "Boom". A familiar Boom, much like the ones you hear when you cast some spells. It's not a buzz, it doesn't sound buggy, it looks like it's an official sound but that it plays instead of the "Door Opening" sound... Any advice on how to fix it ?


Thanks !


Edit: I have witnessed that it happens in fact RANDOMLY, also, turning the "Effect" volume off makes the bug inexistent. So I guess it has something to do with the "Effects", yet i'm not skilled with this. So again, if someone can help me get rid of that bug, I'll be in heaven :)

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