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Oblivion mod idea/request


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One of my weird days I came up with an idea for a mod and now I can't stop thinking about it. A giant robot house that you can controll. I mean something like a robot that you can controll eveything from a small desk inside it's head like have it fire it's rockets or have it move to somewhere. For example you go walk though the robot starting from a door on its leg and walk up steps to get to a storage room, a reactor core, bed room and so on and ending at its head which would be it's controll room and it would have a window you could look out to see the world around you. I've been thinking about it and i think that most likely it's imposiable to make but if any of you modders out their can make this that'll be kick ass. Contact me at [email protected] i check it about everyday.
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Calcifer was super-awesome <3 lol xD. ("I'M A MIGHTY FIRE DAEMON!!")


Moving things are so hard to create for OB tho, I'd sure love to have a moving version of howl's castle. Steam and chicken legs and all.


EDIT> Oh an I forgot to mention, making things like that move is hard but possible, we're doing that for the DC mod's airship. We're basicaly going to do it by swapping a static with a rideable creature thanks to an activator steering wheel that triggerst the swap and forces the player to mount the rideable creature steering wheel. This also starts a quest script that checks if the player's mounted, in case he dismounts it swaps the creature for the static again.

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Too bad you're so bussy, heck, too bad I'M so bussy, I'd have a go at howl's castle myself. Oh well, maybe once DC and it's expansion are finished. Then again I was planing on creating a horror mod after that blows over...


But hell, I AM going to create howl's castle if it's the last thing on earth I do!!


Ok, maybe not.

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Ok so i'm guessing you are going to pick up this mod and try working on it? But if you arnt the idea for Howl's moving castle mod sounded pretty cool idea. I havent seen the movie but the pictures of the castle itself looked pretty awesome. Anywho if you are going to pick up on this mod that'll be great if not i'll be looking for the Howl's moving castle if you do make it and when you do if you do.
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