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Texture not Appearing in First-Person View


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Hello all,


I used NifScope to change one of several textures on a pair of gauntlets, using the same texture dimensions. The mesh itself and the bodypart and armor pieces in the CS remain unchanged, as only the texture changed, not the shape or location. The problem is that the gauntlets now do not appear in the game in first person, e.g. when using a bow. The hand is bare, and the wrist is invisible entirely. Any idea how that can happen from only changing a single texture on a mesh while keeping the same dimensions? The third person view also seems distorted in shape also, but it's at least visible.

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I'm not very knowledgeable about this, but if you created the texture yourself maybe it's not compressed properly? The vanilla textures use DXT1 compression (actually different kinds of textures are compressed differently, like the main menu text which is DXT3). If your texture uses a different compression format it might not show up properly in-game.


I had a similar issue with self-created textures, in my case main menu text which I compressed using (I think) DXT1, which was the wrong type of compression for them, and they didn't display properly until I fixed it.


Your issue might be completely different though.

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That occurred to me too, so I resaved with DXT1 in case I had forgotten at first, but still the same invisible mesh. In third person view, it doesn't look distorted as I said earlier--it actually looks perfect. So it's solely a first-person perspective issue. I am truly baffled by this.
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