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Fallout: Storm Over The Mojave


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Jason finished polishing and cleaning his weapons, in particular his combat knife, which had been soaked with blood. He packed all his gear back up and walked inside. A perceptive person would notice that he was stifling his anger at something, but he did his best to hide it. He leaned on a wall in a corner, waiting for a while, and watching the conversation intently, out of caution instead of suspicion. Then he got an idea. He'd just used a Scribe counter, it had definitely come in handy before. He crouched down and looked Shiori in the eyes, after taking off his sunglasses.


"Want some fighting tips?" He asked her, trying to be gentle with his voice.

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Sheriff kept the hand in which her cigarette was burning away from Shiori, and patted the girl on the back with her free hand as the girl embraced her "Whoa... uhh, nice to meet you too." She said with a slight smile. She wasn't used to affection of any kind, other than the money she received from people she helped. She looked at Jason as he offered to teach Shiori fighting tips, but didn't say anything.
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Shiori pulled away slightly, and offered a genuine and bright, if slightly damp, smile to Ariana, and shook her head when Jason offered to teach her to fight.


"Not yet, I think I'd like a lesson or two with Ariana over here first." She squeezed tightly again, and pulled away, sensing that Ariana was a bit nervous or unused to being shown affection by a young girl. She blushed, and shyly looked away.


"Sorry." She mumbled.

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Jason was still slightly irritated, and the refusal at his offer didn't improve this. He stood up and placed his sunglasses back on.


"I can teach a lot." He said, half to himself, and stood back in the corner. He had been planning to teach her his Scribe counter move, and something that would knock people off their feet. Defensive moves, incase she was ever caught unarmed. Of course he could always give her shooting tips, as he too favoured a weighty pistol. "Come later, if you want." He added. He grumbled a little internally and leaned against the wall. Still, it was only to be expected that he'd intimidate her, he didn't make friends wherever he went, nor did he try to. Usually he helped a town a little and moved on and they probably didn't even remember his name. Guardian walked over and sat by his side loyally.

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Sheriff looked at Shiori refusing Jason's offer, and then the girl latched, and detached herself from Sheriff once again. Once she apologized Sheriff said simply "It's alright kid, No need to apologize." Ariana said as softly as she could. She drew her revolvers in a flash, and flipped the cylinders to the side, empty shells falling to the floor. She sat down on a wooden chair, and got out a set of weapon cleaning tools, using a small brush in every chamber of the cylinder, starting on 'Love', and then cleaning 'Peace', leaving the shining silver revolvers on the table in-front of her.
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When Ariana's hands went towards her guns, Shiori's began moving as well, not as quick, but still pretty quickly, and by the time the casings hit the floor, her plasma defender was already in her hand, pointing steadily at Ariana. When she saw the woman was merely doing weapon maintenance, she flicked the safety on, and began doing some maintenance of her own, not that the gun needed much. She was a bit.. anal-retentive about keeping her weapon in good shape. Once she had restored it to it's former gleam, she stashed it in it's holster, and drew her wicked, jagged curved dagger, it's polished bone handle almost gleaming, and began maintaining the edge, keeping it sharp, sheathing it when she was done. She then quietly observed Ariana cleaning her weapons.
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Jason watched Shiori draw her weapon. She definitely had reflexes, that he could see. His face remained in its usual state, although as usual his brain was running a mile a minute. Shiori looked to be trained, but not particularily experienced, especially if she was here looking for someone to protect her, almost like an initiate encountering his first mutant. With experience she'd probably become a formidable combatant.


"Nobody here will hurt you. If they do, they die." Jason reassured her, perfectly serious. A few of the regulators were giving him odd looks, but that was always the case. He was something of a curiosity amongst the Mojave regulators. He didn't even attempt to make friends or socialize with any of them. They were aware of his combat prowess, which only served to add to the reputation. Nobody bothered to test him, though, hostile or not, he was an ally.

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"Nice draw kid, but you didn't fire." Ariana said, still focusing on her revolvers. "Your quick, that's for sure, being a good shot, being quick with a pistol, that don't do no harm kid, but it don't mean much next to being cool-headed. You gotta be able to kill." Ariana said, reloading her quad of weapons, and standing up. She smiled at Shiori and said "Still, nice work kid, if you woulda aimed a little higher and shot, i'd have no head right now."
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Shiori blushed at the compliment, and mumbled,


"I didn't wanna shoot you. I just wanted to make sure you weren't gonna shoot me." She changed some settings on her plasma defender, so as to not kill Ariana, and quickly drew it again, shooting directly towards Ariana's mouth, hitting the cigarette and turning it into goo. She smiled faintly, then looked panicky, worried about the repercussions of her actions.


Greebo watched and smiled at Shiori's previous quick draw. Seemed there was more to her than met the eye. When she shot the smoke out of Ariana's mouth, Greebo burst out laughing.


Diefenbaker licked Ariana's hand, and nudged her with his head, as a way of saying a combination of "hello" and "pet me".

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Ronin opened the door to the Regulators HQ, he saw one of the few interesting things hes seen in awhile. Jason, the ghoul greebo and a woman clad in purple with a young girl holding a energy weapon at someone and looking scared. Sam came in after him, he began to growl once he sensed the hostility in the air. Ronin moved his hand to his bow but did not draw it, his muscles tensed incase he had to draw it.


"I see I'm not late for the party..." he said jokingly, something he was not known for doing but he felt it was the right thing to say.


Ronin's tribal appearance brought some disgusted looks from the other regulators as they watched this event, one or two even had their hands drifted for their guns.


"I recommend you drop your weapon, these people here aren't known for their kindness..." He said to her coldly, his gravelly voice echoing off the rooms walls.

Edited by Macman253
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