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Fallout: Storm Over The Mojave


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Jason was not pleased about this new development. Jason wouldn't allow the harm of a child, and so got ready to do something about it. He tossed Shiori far out of the line of fire, towards the alternative exit, just in case. He turned to face Ronin, a good few metres away, his sawed-off shotgun and a hatchet in hand.


"She's a child." He growled. "She's jumpy, drew her weapon, now she's cleaning it. Put that arrow away, and I won't attack." Guardian growled uncertainly. He viewed Sam as a friend and Ronin as one of Jason's, but he could faintly understand why they were fighting. Jason's face was deadly serious, if Ronin attacked any of Jason's friends, or Jason himself, Jason would kill him without hesitation, whether they'd previously been allies or not.

Edited by Flipout6
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When Jason tossed her, the training that she did with Cathy, the woman her adopted mother had dated, kicked in, and she rolled with the momentum, managing a hand spring and landing in a crouched position, bringing her plasma defender back up and retuned it to be lethal, but hesitated, suddenly nervous. This wasn't like the training with her mother, this was a real combat situation. Her hands trembled as she pointed her plasma defender at the Tribal, and in her nervousness fired off a shot, but missed, accidentally knocking the hat off a regulator. He looked irritatedly around, and then saw the tableau, and then looked alarmed, moving back in case it became a firefight.


Greebo reacted a bit slower than Jason, seeing as he was a 233 year old ghoul. He retrieved his sniper rifle and pointed it at the tribal, ready to shoot should the tribal turn hostile.


Diefenbaker growled, moving in front of Shiori, his ears flat against his head, a vicious snarl on his face. He would not allow this newcomer to harm this pup if he could help it.

Edited by BaldurAnthology
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Sheriff rolled her eyes in frustration, and retrieved her hat from the hat stand near the door, she put it back on her head, and looked over at Shiori "You alright kid? Just keep that plasma pistol off for now alright? You'll end up hurtin' yourself in the state your in." Sheriff turned her gaze to the two men who were between remaining peaceful, and killing eachother. "Can't you two take this elsewhere huh?! The poor girls scared out of her wits because she just got a freaking bow aimed at her head! last thing she needs is to watch you tear eachother apart! Now i suggest you both put your weapons down before this gets ugly, or i'll have Bernie come down here and take care of you himself." Sheriff spat. She was more infuriated with the Tribal than with Jason, although the man only reacted on what he must have seen as a showdown, but still a bloody brawl in front of the already traumatized girl would do her little good. Getting her used to the harsh reality of this world was going to be like weaning a baby, but it would happen in small steps. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Greebo put his rifle away, moving to take care of Shiori. He could see the girl was trembling head to toe, tears streamed from her eyes, and her glowing eyes were filled with fear as she stared, unable to look away, at the tribal with his bow. Greebo knelt down beside her, wincing as his knees cracked loudly, and gently tried to tug the plasma defender out of her hands.


Shiori stared, seeing nothing but the man who had threatened her with a weapon moments previously, barely registering the tug on her weapon, or Ariana's directive to put the weapon away. She swallowed, and raised the gun, steadying it and preparing to shoot the Tribal man for trying to hurt her, only to have the gun wrenched out of her hands by Greebo. She rounded on him, her hand now already holding her knife, and saw the look of grim determination on his face, mixed with his usual cheer, a bit of sympathy, and a "don't even try it" vibe poured off him as he stared her in the face. She dropped her dagger and flung her arms around his shoulders and started bawling her eyes out.

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Jason stared Ronin down for a few seconds, and continued to do so as he slowly moved back and to the side in front of Shiori and Greebo, acting as a human shield. He stayed far enough away from Shiori that he probably wouldn't scare her himself. In fact, quite the opposite, he was literally a shield from Ronin.


"Attack, and you die." Jason said lowly. He switched the hatchet in his right hand for his .44 revolver, from the distance he was at it was a tactically superior weapon. He was furious with Ronin. Even if his intentions had been good he'd aimed his bow at a child, and Jason would have none of that. There were a few people he'd heard of that would've killed this fellow outright for such an action, namely a man named Josepher Versing, Star Paladin Cross, and perhaps Sarah Lyons.

Edited by Flipout6
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Ronin nodded, he quivered the arrow and lowered his bow to his side, adopting a less threatening manner. Sam begun to sniff at the girl.


"Sam, knock it off..." He said in his usual gravelly voice. "Meant no harm...thought she meant you harm...Here take these...as payment for my misunderstanding..." He took the pouch of fingers off his belt and tossed it to the girl. "Worth a few hundred caps maybe.." And with that he turned and left with Sam in tow.

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As Ronin left Jason slowly put his hatchet away, followed by his revolver. He glanced at the Sheriff to make sure that she wasn't hurt somehow,(he always checked on all his friends and allies.) and when he was sure she wasn't, he turned around, removed his sunglasses, and crouched down to Shiori's level.


"You alright?" He asked in the Jason Rivers form of gently. That toss he gave her could have had her break a bone or something, he wanted to be sure. He didn't bother with putting a hand on her shoulder, he'd just scare her. As much as he might go for an intimidating effect sometimes, this was perhaps the one time it came to bite him in the back.

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Sheriff watched as Ronin left the Regulator's headquarters, her head dipped, but her eyes focused. Once she was sure he was gone, she turned around to Jason as he made sure she was un-injured, giving a look of 'I'm fine'. She fiddled with her duster, pulling it up properly over her shoulders, and moving it so it hid her weapons. She was about to ask whether or not Shiori was alright, but Jason beat her to it, instead she watched Shiori as she sobbed into the Ghouls arms. Sheriff closed her eyes and shook her head, lighting herself another cigarette to calm her nerves and get her mind settled on the situation. She walked out of the doors, and leaned heavily on the wall outside, puffing away as she looked out over the area surrounding the HQ.
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Ronin came around the corner of the HQ building, holding a fresh quiver of arrows and a sack of meat, Sam's tongue watered and lolled out of his mouth. Ronin hadn't noticed her when he knelt down and wrapped a red scarf around the dogs neck, the dog barked and jumped up to lick his face.


"Alright you ruddy beast...here." he said as he pushed the dog off and pulled a hunk of meat from the bag and gave it to the dog. Sam guzzled the meat quickly, Ronin gave him a pat on the head and stood, he turned to see the purple clad woman.


He looked into her eyes, "I assume you think I'm a monster..." He said coldly, something he was used to was being considered a monster. "Most people see tribals as savages and monsters." He continued as Sam lolled on the ground, happy that he got some brahmin meat, all four of his paws in the air and his tail beating the ground furiously.

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Jason watched the Sheriff go walking out the door. Despite his ill temper after the trooper threatened Guardian, his concern for everyone, particularily Shiori, was what his facial expression indicated most, despite the usual lack of any full expression. She looked stressed, if it persisted he might ask about it. Guardian approached Shiori and nudged her hand. He sat down and looked at her eagerly.



Thames wasn't pleased in the slightest. He'd just been informed that the trooper the CO sent to spy on the robed woman was dead, and not by her hand. This meant that either the GLF had taken him out or one of her accomplices had. Perhaps the regulator had done so in order to ensure that he alone could threaten her. Major Polatli has given Thames permission to investigate, because as valuable as Thames was against the Legion, that wouldn't do jack if they had a group of paladins charge in from behind. So investigating was what he was doing.


He'd left Forlorn Hope immediately after patrol, and made good time to the 188 Trading Post. The robed woman was nowhere to be seen right now, probably hiding. Going off of his best lead, Thames decided to pursue the regulator. Some asking around pointed him in the direction of Novac, where there had recently been a sizeable battle. Thames thought it prudent to stop by the regulator HQ along the way. If the man had survived, that's where he'd go to rest. The ranger started south. He discovered and buried the body of the trooper along the way, using a collapsable shovel that the NCR gave to its rangers. He looked up towards the headquarters, didn't seem to be too much activity, most of the Regulators were probably out hunting. Nevertheless, that was his next destination.

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