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Fallout: Storm Over The Mojave


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Shiori actually found herself getting angry at all these people telling how she should and should not act. Teaching her to fight and survive is one thing, telling her to desist having feelings is completely different. When the Jason man started getting more.. pushy, telling her again that he wanted to "teach" her, which really meant to change who she was as a person, force maturity on her when she wasn't ready for it, she snapped. She didn't yell, but her voice took on the soft, quiet, deadly tone from when she got really angry. In this low, deadly voice she said,


"Just because I show emotions and still give a sh*t about being hurt or hurting people doesn't mean I need to change, or be changed by self important people such as yourself, Jason. I asked for combat training, not for you to tell me who I am is unacceptable and tell me I need to cease and desist with that sort of action! Stop it, or I won't take ANYTHING you have to teach me. Now, I realize that probably means absolutely nothing to you, after all, I can sense the detachment from here. You detach yourself from the world around you, you hide behind your anger and your frustrations, not allowing yourself to talk to people, or to do more than get angry. You don't care about me. You don't even like me. So don't pretend to do me no favors while trying to change me as a human being." After this litany, she looked at Sheriff, and said,


"You haven't tried to change me as a person. Why is that?"


Greebo walked outside, and caught most of Shiori's quiet rant at Jason. He leaned against the wall and observed, ready to intervene should Jason get in too close, or attempt to strike Shiori, but otherwise not intervening. Sometimes these things needed to play themselves through.

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Sheriff looked at Shiori with an eyebrow raised as she snapped at Jason. The girl had a temper. Once Shiori voiced her question to Sheriff, she replied "Because that's not gonna do you any good now is it? I'm not going to try and change the fact you have emotions, neither am i gonna tell you you should stop being upset. I can teach you how to keep those emotions in, or channel them when you need them, i can teach you how to stop getting emotional in a situation that could take advantage of you, But i'm not going to ask you to change. I'm the way i am because that is, who i am. And you Kid, you are who you are. But i'm not gonna try and go all philosophical and emotion coach on you, i can show you how to survive and how to look after yourself. That's it. I'm not some mystic meg who can force you to turn into some stone hard B*tch with no emotion." She had no significant element to her words, and none of it was meant to spite Jason. he was offering to teach the girl what he thought was right. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Jason listened to the rant and showed no reaction, other than to crouch down to Shiori's level and look her in the eyes. (sunglasses off.) His icy, pale blue eyes stared right into hers. In them one could see a bit of every part of his personality. After all, the eyes were the windows to the soul. Of course the main emotion filling them right now was seriousness.


"You see how you reacted? The amount of time it took, he could've killed you like that." He snapped his fingers, and took off his hat. He parted his hair to reveal wicked white scar extending from almost his forehead to the top of his neck, the entirety of it barely hidden by his hair. "I fought better than you can when I got this. Super Mutant almost beheaded me. I reacted fine, I defended myself fine, yet still he almost killed me with the first swipe. What happens if you're faced with the same situation? You'll die." He snapped his fingers again. "With a reaction like that, at least. Improve the reaction, and you'll survive in this world. You are you. But you have a lot of hard lessons to learn." He lectured sternly, before he replaced his hat and sunglasses, and stood back up.

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Shiori growled in her throat when Jason once AGAIN told her she needed to change, her hand moved in a near blur and her plasma defender was pointed at Jason's nuts before anyone had a chance to react. Her voice and tone changed to the one that she used when she was nearly at her snapping point and she said, deadly tone, but much louder,


"I thought I told you NOT to try and change who I am! My reaction time is excellent, the difference between you and I is I haven't been lobotomized by a super mutant! Unlike you, I still have fear, and sadness and other emotions besides anger, and seriousness. Maybe Greebo sees something in you that I don't, but all I see is an emotionally brain-dead arsehole who's got a pole shoved so far up his arse that sh*t literally pours out of his mouth every time he talks! Stop trying to change who I am!"


Greebo moved forward, shocked at Shiori's reaction, and postitioned himself between them, albeit he had to push Shiori back a step or two to do so.


"Now now, let's not have fighting mates. This will only lead to ruin." Shiori fought against Greebo, trying to push past him. She shouted,


"I don't care! I saw what he did, he killed that man. That man had a home, a family, now they are without a father and husband. What's wrong with you? You monster! You murderer! I will NEVER be like you! Never!" She allowed Greebo to push her away, closer to Sheriff, and sat down against the wall, gun still pointed in Jason's direction, tears in her eyes, but too angry to cry again.

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"You don't know me." Jason muttered to Shiori, his face hardening a little. Guardian, despite being good with children, stepped in front of the gun, growled and barked fearsomely. "You think I'm evil." He stated.


She was definitely wrong there. He stepped a little to the side, incase she pulled the trigger on that gun of hers. He shook his head irritably, the mention of the fact that he'd killed a family man was the reason he was in a bad mood in the first place. He'd been a little like her once: Immature, naive, oblivious to the dangers of the world. That was before he went on his first patrol.


"You grew up in the Capital Wastes, like me. Yes, I was Brotherhood, I'm not hiding it well anyway. We helped people out, gave water, killed mutants, lost people doing it. I was part of that, proud of it too. You think that murder was evil, despite it being in self-defense. By your logic, The Lone Wanderer is the worst person in the world. In self-defense they butchered Enclave soldiers by the dozens. Raiders, too. Even desperate wasters who just tried to feed their families. They did what was necessary, and in doing so, purified the Potomac and saved every man, woman, and child in the wasteland. Are you going to grow up? I try to help you, and you aim a gun at me. I've signed on to protect you-for free- and this is how you react? I'm trying to do good, here. Now, put that Defender back in its holster. I won't touch you unless you fire."

Edited by Flipout6
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Sheriff was a woman that seldom got angry, she kept it inside, she let it die down, she took it out by engaging enemies in combat, or vigorous training. But there wasn't an ounce of that around for her to grate down on. She looked at everything going on and shouted "Just give it a rest the pair of you!" She suddenly barked, seething with anger "I am NOT here to be some sort of important figure in your life Shiori, neither am i here to start dishing out lectures; But you are gonna listen and you are gonna listen good! Jason is a man who's experienced this world hands on, and come through a hell of a lot worse off! This s*** you say that comes out of his mouth isn't s***! it's the harsh reality of this place. I don't wanna hear you talking trash like that to guy who's tryin' to help you." She turned to face Jason, still enraged "And i don't want you to start pouring out your bleeding life story neither! There is a time and place for the 'I'm Brotherhood' and all that crap, but here ain't it!" She shook her head, and gave one last shout "The pair of you need to sort out your ideas: The Girl doesn't wanna be told to stop having a heart, so stop trying to change her! Give her tips for combat, and that's it. And Shiori? You stop using that mouth of yours! Out here it ain't the fancy smancy capitol with guards left right and centre, You have gotta kill to survive, don't ask questions as to who has family, and who's got kids; it doesn't matter when your life is on the line, because out here, either you put number one first, or number one ends up six feet under." Sheriff pulled her hat down over her eyes, and began walking away from the scene.
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Now Greebo was angry. He shouted, nearly at the top of his lungs,


"ENOUGH! I have HAD it with you lot bickering like bloody CHILDREN! You! Jason! You and I are going to have WORDS young man, Shiori, for God's Sake, put that bloody gun away before you hurt someone, and You, Sheriff, that's not helping. You're just adding more fuel to the fires here. There is a difference between killing to survive, and killing someone in cold blood who isn't attacking. I noticed what you did, Jason and I'm quite disappointed with you, not to mention cross. The brotherhood can fend for itself. Back to you Shiori, I will not tell you to change who you are as a person, but you need to watch that temper of yours, not to mention act a little more mature and not throw a tantrum when things don't go the way you want them. Go, sit over there and think about what you did, and what I've said. Sheriff, I can't order you around, but I can strongly recommend that you calm down and take some time to reflect." He takes the nearly empty bottle of Strawberry Cordial out of his bag, noting with some irritation that he only had one bottle left filled, and handed the nearly empty bottle to Sheriff. "Drink that and calm down. I almost guarantee that you've never tasted something like that. It's from a vault guarded by super mutants and ghouls. They leave the lower levels, and myself, alone. The knuckle draggers seem to view me as kin or something, so as long as I don't steal their things, or harm them, they pretty much ignore me. Now, Jason, come with me, you and I need to have a little chat."


Shiori was surprised by the ghoul's reaction, and for some strange reason, found herself following what he said, going and sitting at the indicated location, although she made no move to stow her gun away, should Jason try to hurt her. She saw what he'd done, gone for a short walk before returning to Sheriff and saw him kill that man. However, although she didn't have to do what Greebo said, she got the "Grandpa's really mad" vibe from him and did what she was told like a good little girl.

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"Only stating the obvious." Jason said to the Sheriff. "Not going into detail anytime soon." He nodded at her politely for her help in the argument, even if she razzed him a little.


He gave absolutely no cares about somebody insulting him. He wasn't even remotely angry, only stern with Shiori. As much as she might hate to admit it, if she didn't change a little bit, she was going to get herself killed. Especially if she started waving that Plasma Defender around at anybody she deemed to be morally uncertain. Apparently nobody seemed to understand what had happened, and he was intent on explaining it.


"What is it?" He asked coldly as usual, as he followed Greebo, at the old ghoul's request.

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Greebo led Jason a short distance away, and whirled around, hand causing a slight whistle as it passed through the air, and cuffed Jason as hard as he could upside the head. Glaring, he said,


"I'm disappointed in you, Jason. You're supposed to lead by example, yet there you are bickering like a child with the only child among us! Also, killing someone in cold blood because he suspected you and that hooded girl to be Brotherhood. Gods, I could have dealt with things more subtly than that! I don't know if you noticed, but you have that poor young lass terrified of you, and there you go telling her that she's supposed to act more like you? I show emotion, boy. I've lived for 233 years, and I still allow myself to care about who I kill. I don't take ANY contracts that seem morally questionable. I kill bandits, slavers, Legion. Those sorts of people. I grant mercy, if it is begged of me. I also know when not to get into things with people, and to simply calm down, or agree to disagree. Or just to let things go. You clearly upset the kid. I suggest you apologize at some point, perhaps explain WHY you killed the man. You can either do it on your own, or I'll make it happen. Now, go reflect on what you did, and what I've said."


Shiori saw Greebo smack Jason, and smiled slightly to herself. She hoped Greebo could make him be nicer, or at least not scare her so much.

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Jason took the cuff with barely a flinch, most of the movement caused by the force of the blow pushing his head to the side a little. He felt the very smallest tingle of anger spark inside him. Unless you threatened someone he loved or considered a friend, it took a very long time to anger him. But as had been seen already, once you did....


"You are oblivious as well. It was defensive. Yes, he suspected me and the hooded woman. He tried to interrogate me by threatening to shoot me and Guardian, Guardian first. This is after I told him not to force my hand. Now you're going to get in my face over it. Shiori will, too. Yet you didn't even ask why. Didn't even dig. Simply assumed I'd killed him in cold blood. Simply assumed I was evil. 233 years old, and you still stoop to that level? You're smarter than that." He explained in short sentences. He didn't like talking, and the sheer amount of it he had done today had him sick of every word he spoke.

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