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Fallout: Storm Over The Mojave


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"I'll have to make sure you do, i mean i can't make love to you if your a giant potato now can i?" Cecilia said with a playful smile. She listened to what he said about the new bedsheets and remarked "Already? My, my, where do you get all this energy from?" She said with a grin. "You go on up, i'll just check on the girls." She said softly, getting up from the Chaise, and sensually walking to the brothel area.
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Jason wasn't as quick to holster his weapon, but he relaxed a little.


"Good for us both." He said. He didn't trust easily, however. "Those better be raiders, or there's a problem." He stated with the kind of authority that came natural to a Regulator. "Explain what happened."

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Ronin was wary that the stranger didn't lower his weapon entirely. His uniform signed him off as a Regulator, Ronin remembered after he escaped Caesar had his Frumentarii place a bounty on him with hopes that they could recapture him. This Regulator wouldn't like it if he found out he killed four Regulator's before the bounty was lifted.


"If you truly seek peace, I suggest you lower your weapon...Vigilante." He said coldly, he used his dreads to cover his eyes, his hand drifting near the stone knife on his belt. "They were bandits, they stunk of murder and insanity."


He didn't like having orders barked at him. "Lower your tone, or I'll cut your tongue out and feed it to you..." He said, his voice full of defiance.

Edited by Macman253
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Jason was no coward, he wouldn't back down from a fight should this figure give one. But if all he did was kill raiders, there was no need for one. He slowly holstered his magnum, but was ready to draw it in an instant.


"Threaten me and there's trouble." Jason said, in a slightly colder tone of voice than the usual. "If they were raiders, then I have no real qualm with you." He noted. He figured it could be worse, could have been a patrol of NCR troopers, then they'd get in his face over his investigations, maybe accuse him of being a terrorist. This was just a man with something against accusations, and Jason could understand that. Despite usually being a seemingly-emotionless drifter, he sometimes had that one rare social moment. This man and Jason seemed like two peas in a pod. Hell, they each had a duster and a dog. "Where you headed?" He asked.

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"East, towards Nelson..." He said calmly, his attention turned quickly away when he caught the drift of rotting flesh in the air. A strong smell coming from upwind and to the southwest.


"GLF patrol, southwest...I need to get moving.." He said as he drew his bow and notched an arrow and started southeast.


Sam growled in protest at him, he stopped instantly and looked back over his shoulder. "Burc'ya vaal burk'yc, burc'ya veman?" He said to himself, as if reciting a code from a book of prayer. He ran his hand through his long dreadlocks and turned to the Regulator. The amount of the stench in the air might not be apparent to him but it soon would be a wisp in the air. From the amount he could smell it is a large raiding party close to twenty men and atleast twice that many ferals. More then enough to overpower the small militia that Novac managed to build recently.


"You believe in doing what is good for everyone, willingly and without want for reward or respect?' He asked the stranger, from his attire and obvious affiliation to the Regulators this was most likely the case in his opinion but Ronin could never be sure.

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Jason nodded without hesitation.


"Have been my whole life. What is the problem?" Guardian whined. Jason furrowed his eyebrows. "Something's wrong. Don't deny it, I'm not stupid. You're in a hurry, Guardian is uneasy. What is it?" He could begin to smell the rot on the air now. His sense of smell wasn't as good as Ronin's or Guardian's, but it was still strong. (as were all of his senses.) His face somehow managed to harden even more. His hand naturally went for his revolver, slowly, just in case. His other hand pulled out his pair of binoculars. He scanned the horizon, catching movement near Novac. Manny Vargas had his rifle out and was firing at....something. Novac was under attack.


"Novac's being attacked." He drew his revolver and ran to it to assist in its defense. His training under Paladin Gunny had taught him to run far and fast, and he could still do so.

Edited by Flipout6
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Ronin watched as his new ally ran off to get aid, the stench of ghoul's filled the air. He drew two arrows from his quiver and pinched them in his forefinger and laid a third across the strings and notched it. Sam began to growl, his eyes fixed on something in the distance and his tail became stiff.


"I know friend, their out there..." He said low, one of the smaller GLF patrols was no more then a hundred yards away. Ronin stood, took aim and loosed his arrow, the head traveled at breakneck speed through the air and struck the lead ghoul square in the heart. The Ghoul Lieutenant clutched the arrow and looked up, he stared right into his killers cold dead eyes and finally fell over, dead as a gecko in a deathclaws jaws.


His comrades opened fire but at these ranges their assault rifles and shotguns were of no use, pullets peppered the earth around him, he notched another and drew back. Pulling the string to his ear and let loose another arrow, this one flew straight and struck another ghoul between the eyes. He turned around and began to run as fast as his feet could carry him. He knew the fifteen man patrol would give chase.


Many of them fired on the run, wasting their ammo but that is what he wanted them to do, run out of bullets. After about half a mile he came to a small gulley, a rock outcropping on the cliff ahead proved perfect cover for an ambush, the boxed ravine made coming back nearly impossible if someone were up there. He drew his knife and rummaged through his rooksack for some materials and set to work, he had ten minutes till they would find him so he worked as fast as he could. First he fasioned a grenade bouquet out of dental floss he had scavenged some months back, climbing up the rock he set it up over the small entrance hole that provided the only way into the cavern, he ran it down to a tripwire along the earthen floor. He drew his machete and took some hemp rope from his bag and found some wooden branches, he quickly sharpened the tips and lashed them together with the other end tied to a log that stretched across the gap. His plan was for the ghouls to enter the cavern, trip up the grenades and then as they recover from the explosion to have this swinging spike trap come in at chest level. Sam sat wagging his tail happily as he watched his partner work, Ronin stood up and kicked dirt at him.


"Go! Go hunt some rabbit until I call for you..." He said as he picked up his bow and notched another arrow. Sam turned away and left by squeezing through a small gap between the rocks.


He set himself up, laying his quiver down next to him on his outcropping. The rock in front of him acting as a barrier, Sam began to growl as the ghouls approached. The lead ghoul was young, he stood well over seven feet in front of the others. Ronin drew back on his bow and loosed an arrow, the arrow found purchase on the neck of the ghoul soldiers armor, digging in at the neck between in chin and armor and going straight into his heart. The ghoul dropped onto the tripwire and the grenade bouquet fell into the middle of the crowd of soldiers.


The blast was spectacular, bits of gore and flesh rained down all around the ravine. Ammo fired off from inside their rifles and side arms, turning the survivors into swiss cheese and peppering their bodies with bullet holes and shavings. After the commotion stopped the rest of the Ghoul force entered, Ronin drew back on his bow and aimed at the rope holding the swing-trap and counted to three.


"One.." He said to himself, the ghouls had piled in and scanned the Ravine, some tending to the miraculously still alive and others searching for their quarry.


"Two." He said again, his palms sweating he drew the bowstring back to his ear, his muscles shifted in strain.


"Three.." He said just before he loosed the arrow, the arrow soared through the air and sliced cleanly through the rope and the trap descended upon the unwary soldiers, the spiked front of the bundle of sticks plowed into the chests of two ghoul soldiers, Ronin popped his head up over the rock and scanned the crowd, "Five..." He thought as he notched two arrows and popped up again, he drew back the bowstring and fired, both arrows found purchase in a ghouls chest, one in each lung. Ronin dived out of the way as the remaining ghouls opened fire on his position. Bullets ricocheted off the walls of the ravine and chewed the dirt, the hail of lead only stopped when they lost sight of him and ran out of ammo.


"Hey amigo! Come down and we talk ey? We spare your life if you throw down your weapon's and surrender cabrone." Said the ghoul sergeant, he held up his chinese assault rifle and smiled as he changed out the magazine. Most of his face covered in large aviator rayban glasses and a red bandana tied around his neck like a scarf. Two shoulder holsters for revolvers sat at his chest, twin colt peacemakers with rattlesnakes etched into the grips, this man was a fighter, Ronin could smell the booze and bloodshed on him.


Ronin smiled, they were actually trying to get him to surrender when they only had four men left. Ronin laid on his back behind a rock and notched another arrow, as he stood up and aimed he felt the barrel of a gun and the familiar clicking sound of a pistol's hammer at the back of his head.


"How the hell did someone sneak up on me?" He thought as the stranger smacked him hard across the skull with the pistol and Ronin fell into blackness.

Edited by Macman253
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(sorry about the OOC, but Jason's running to Novac to aid in its defense, not fleeing from any bad guys. He fights until he dies, unless he's watching over someone.)


Jason dashed for Novac, the people were in trouble, and he would not allow that. Guardian ran alongside him, barking excitedly as he only had a slight idea of what was going on. He reached Novac in a good five or ten minutes, long enough that the GLF had seriously started to attack the town. There had to be around sixty ghouls, mostly feral, perhaps twenty of them being regular ghouls. Some of the Regulators had come to the town's defense, and Jason would have words with whoever decided to leave the town to its fate. He noticed that the man he had met on the road had not followed him.


Manny Vargas and Craig Boone were picking off targets from the mouth of the dinosaur, not working together but each using the position to their tactical advantage. Jason fired at the main force from the side as he came in, the entrance to the town being blocked off. The .44 blazed as he shot at the few ghouls who had guns. At this fairly long range he wasn't doing too much damage, although he did manage to down one and injure another. He commanded Guardian to stick close to him to keep him out of the gunfire. Jason himself took cover behind a rock. Guardian dispatched of any ferals who got too close.


Some of the regulators noted his appearance, some of them were surprised. Jason wasn't popular amongst the regulators, for obvious reasons in addition to the fact that he talked to nobody, and revealed his past to nobody. He didn't care, right now he focused on defending Novac. Guardian killed a feral ghoul that tried to hit Jason from the side, and Jason shot and killed another ghoul.

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Ronin awoke with a sore head, his hands were bound and laying on the ground in front of him was his equipment and all around him were nearly fifteen ghouls. Reinforcements shad come up on him and got him. Sitting on a rock in front of him was the Ghoul sergeant, he casually smoked a cigarette and smiled when Ronin stirred.


"Well my friend, you are one tough sonofabitch." He said as he stood up and came closer, he strokes on of Ronin's braids and fingered a beaded braid.


He smiled sadistically and walked around him. "Twisted Hairs, been a long time since I've seen one of their scouts...that would most likely make you the last." He said as he drew a pistol.


He rotated the cylinder and checked the rounds inside the colt. "Tell me how many people are on their way to the town." He said, Ronin spat at him "Chakaar!" He shouted in his own language.


The officer smiled and nodded "The infamous defiance of the Twisted Hairs. I see you prefer a bow...how primitive but.." He said as he picked up Ronins bow and looked around to the corpses of his men with arrow shafts imbedded inside their chests. "They are still effective in this day and age..." He continued as he drew the second pistol and threw it at his feet, the three other ghouls moved around behind their sergeant and he took ten steps back.


"Like the cowboys, they fought the tribals of their days...since you shun firearms this will be easy.." He said with a cocky smile, Ronin stood and wrestled his arms free and picked up the revolver, he wanted to play a game and Ronin was going to teach him. He stuck the revolver in his belt and waited. His heart pounded like a stampeding Bighorner, he closed his eyes and listened to the world around him. The bird chirping on the rock above them, the geckos calling out for mates. He could hear the breeze drafting in through the tunnel and smell the iron of the blood from the dead soldiers. He heard the drawing of the ghouls colt and he himself drew with near impossible speed and slammed back on the hammer, a torrent of bullets flew across the canyon and tore through the ghouls.


Ronin casually twirled the revolver and slid it into his belt and approached the injured Sergeant.


"Bows and knives make a warrior smart, guns make a warrior a fool...just because I don't use guns doesn't mean I can't use one." He took the other pistol off the dying sergeant and collected his gear. He rummaged around for a duffle bag and began loading the ghoul patrols guns and ammo into the sack, the reinforcements had came stocked but they must have left for Novac, the sounds in the distance told him the battle had begun. He slung the bag over his shoulder and took off at a trot for Novac.

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