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Unable to access Madanach


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Okay, I thought I got away pretty scot free with any Dawnguard mod clashes in my game...though this one makes no sense as I can not see anything even remotely related to Markarth, Madanach or the Foresworn....but since I downloaded Dawnguard I have not been able to get the dialog from Borkul about seeing Madanach and Borkul doesn't have the key either....(have also been unable to console the key)....though funnily enough at the same time, new options have appeared for me....now my Dovahkin if a Thane can talk his way out of being arrested...never could do that prior to Dawnguard....and if not Thane can actually serve his time by picking up a pick axe and mining, was unable to do that prior to Dawnguard either....But what has been lost is the ability to go and speak with Madanach....Has anyone else come across this or know what's going on?
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I take it you don't get the dialogue from Borkul about getting him a shiv etc? I seem to recall having a problem with that part of the quest at one time too, but it was so long ago I can't recall exactly. If I am recalling correctly, I think I just went and talked to a bunch of inmates and eventually Borkul's dialogue triggered.


If that doesn't work, I think this console commmand:


setstage MS02 10


will complete the Borkul part of the quest so you can go talk to the royal ragged one.


Hope that helps/ wish my memory wasn't so fuzzy so I could be of more assistance. GL

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I take it you don't get the dialogue from Borkul about getting him a shiv etc? I seem to recall having a problem with that part of the quest at one time too, but it was so long ago I can't recall exactly. If I am recalling correctly, I think I just went and talked to a bunch of inmates and eventually Borkul's dialogue triggered.


If that doesn't work, I think this console commmand:


setstage MS02 10


will complete the Borkul part of the quest so you can go talk to the royal ragged one.


Hope that helps/ wish my memory wasn't so fuzzy so I could be of more assistance. GL



Thank you kevkiev.... :happy: ...I will try it....thanks... :happy: .... though I have been doing some hunting around and reading up on it....unfortunately for me it does not seem a common bug, so there is little info on it....but what has been mentioned in conjunction with it is Madanach's dialog not triggering either....from what I am starting to understand is my 'Forsworn Conspiracy' Quest is de-activating itself from the moment my Dovahkin walks into to the Talos Shrine room when the Guards arrest him.

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