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M42 jump uniform + Fallout style PAPR


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I want more of a WW2/cold war aesthetic for my Fallout experience, and as such I'm looking for some options for vaguely period appropriate clothing.

The prime among these would be the iconic M42 jump uniform used by US paratroopers back during D-day. Ideally with some options for applying camouflage to the coat, just for the sake of it.


Another thing I've been imagining along these lines is an armor item that takes up a character's chest armor slot and lower face: essentially a HALO jumper's oxygen mask, except the face piece would be identical to the model used by the RAF during WW2, and at the lowest armor level the mask would be connected to a canvas bag hanging from the character's neck like a box filter, which at medium armor level would be replaced by a metal box with webbing straps wrapped around the character's waist and shoulders, which gets extra thick plating at the highest level of armor.

In practice this contraption would be an air pump powered by fusion cells which works much like a PAPR system. Using a workbench, the player can modify it to either provide significantly more environmental protection than a normal gas mask, or a bonus to stamina from having fresh air constantly passing into the wearer's mouth.

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