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What is the name of the "armor set rings"


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its more like you bound all of your gears that you want into a slot (a ring) and simply hotkey the ring. and if i'm correct that mod is Hotkey your Gear by PirataBonifacio and also work for companions which is a plus, if i remember there were 10 slot available. or you can use ISAAC - Instantly Switch All Armor Components by Ebald, which i'm curently using right now and it works great, i like it coz pretty easy to bound gears that you want with simple menu setting. but it only provide 5 slot. and yes, you can use both ISAAC and Hotkey Your Gear at same time.


note : bug with enchantment gears, not authors fault tho, skyrim papyrus script is. which sometime you have to re-use the particular gear with enchantment after equiping it from one of mod above, see your magic effect tab to be sure.

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