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Option Menu Script error...


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Here's one I could use a little feedback on: I know it's ugly, so are my scripting skills though.


scn BlackbriarWASHOERFATowerBuildScript

short button

begin OnActivate

    if IsActionRef player
       ShowMessage BlackbriarRFAWashoeTowerChoiceMesg; option menu message


begin MenuMode 1001

    set Button to GetButtonPressed if ( Button == 0 )
      If Player.GetItemCount BlackbriarHammer >= 1 && doOnce == 0 && player.GetItemCount BlackbriarMetalResource >= 10 && player.GetItemCount BlackbriarResourceWood >= 3 ; items you will need to activate object                 
     player.removeitem BlackbriarMetalResource 10; removes items if you have everything
     player.removeitem BlackbriarResourceWood 3
     BlackbriarTowerBuildRef.enable; enables x marker that enables radio free america tower
     BlackbriarRadioFreeAmericaTowerAct.disable; removes the anvil activator item from area
     BlackbriarRadioFreeAmericaTowerAct.markfordelete; removes anvil from memory

     ShowMessage BlackbriarWashoeRFABuildingMaterialsMsg; 
Endif if (button ==1)
End if




The purpose is to pop up a menu when you go to activate an object. The option menu (MESG) tells you what you are trying to activate, what you need (requirements) and gives you two choices. #1 Activate - which then checks to make sure you have the required supplies. If you do, it activates the object and disables the item you used to activate it. If you fail the necessary items check, it gives you a message that says you don;t have enough, come back when you do.


And option #2 is cancel and come back another day.




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What problems are you having? Simply not working or is it not compiling when you try and save it?



It won't compile. :/ And I've tried tweaking it left and right but there is something I must be missing in the syntax or set up.


I'm trying to get this to replace my current script - because it doesn't give you the option menu before trying to take your stuff.


And since there are a lot of activators that will use this script... I'd like to get it right! ::)

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Cleaned up the syntax as best I could, don't know if it'll do you any good.


scn BlackbriarWASHOERFATowerBuildScript

short button
short doOnce

begin OnActivate

if IsActionRef player == 1
	ShowMessage BlackbriarRFAWashoeTowerChoiceMesg


begin MenuMode 1001

    set Button to GetButtonPressed if ( Button == 0 )

If Player.GetItemCount BlackbriarHammer >= 1 && doOnce == 0 && player.GetItemCount BlackbriarMetalResource >= 10 && player.GetItemCount BlackbriarResourceWood >= 3                  

	player.removeitem BlackbriarMetalResource 10
	player.removeitem BlackbriarResourceWood 3
	BlackbriarTowerBuildRef.enable; enables x marker to build radio free america tower
	BlackbriarRadioFreeAmericaTowerAct.disable; removes the anvil build base activator item from area

	ShowMessage BlackbriarWashoeRFABuildingMaterialsMsg

Endif (button == 1)



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Thanks for taking the time on that. It still doesn't work and that's frustrating. I have all the messages in place and all the item names are correct. I don't get why i can't make a simple option menu activator work right!!


Cleaned up the syntax as best I could, don't know if it'll do you any good.


scn BlackbriarWASHOERFATowerBuildScript

short button
short doOnce

begin OnActivate

if IsActionRef player == 1
	ShowMessage BlackbriarRFAWashoeTowerChoiceMesg


begin MenuMode 1001

    set Button to GetButtonPressed if ( Button == 0 )

If Player.GetItemCount BlackbriarHammer >= 1 && doOnce == 0 && player.GetItemCount BlackbriarMetalResource >= 10 && player.GetItemCount BlackbriarResourceWood >= 3                  

	player.removeitem BlackbriarMetalResource 10
	player.removeitem BlackbriarResourceWood 3
	BlackbriarTowerBuildRef.enable; enables x marker to build radio free america tower
	BlackbriarRadioFreeAmericaTowerAct.disable; removes the anvil build base activator item from area

	ShowMessage BlackbriarWashoeRFABuildingMaterialsMsg

Endif (button == 1)



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