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Upside down or sideways notes and no way to turn them around to read?


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  • 4 weeks later...

AHA! I figured it out! It was this blasted mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15639 Reinstalled the whole game by downloading the painfully large 30GB of data through my dialup internet connection speed and loaded a new game. Notes and magazines are displayed fine in inspect mode, all is functional, even the zoom. Exit the game, put this mod in so I can still get steam achievements from completing questions and other odd bits, loaded the save and the inspect mode broke.


Also, even though the author says if you delete those files, the mod is uninstalled, it isn't really because the issue still persists with the inspect mode for notes and mags. Unless that's an intended/unintended side effect of using such mod? Which means the only way to get rid of it is to wipe your entire fallout 4 installation, deleting the whole folder too and then redownloading it and NOT installing that achievements mod enabler.

Edited by 2017Nexus2017
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