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Shadow/Light Bug in Markarth


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Hi all and thank you for taking the time to read this.


I recently got back into modding Skyrim, and when I went to Markarth all the shadows were messed up. The first thing I did was to disable all the light mods I had, but with no luck. After a while I decided to uninstall every single mod I had installed, but again nothing. So in the end I reinstalled Skyrim (Also deleted all its folders), and no luck again.

In vanilla it's much less noticeable, and it only happens when a torch is used and I look in a specific angle. It happens in defined spots across Markarth, also during daytime.


While looking around for a solution I learned that Skyrim can't handle more than 4(?) different light sources in the same spot, and that could be the problem, but I managed to find another spot (Near Whiterun) with a similar issue where only one light source is present (Pic 3). Could this still be the problem? And if so, is there anything I can do?




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