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Question for the Animator pro's


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Oke, a couple of day's ago i diced to edit the vampire lord levitate animations. My knowledge about animating was 0 and I had a bunch of problems to overcome from invalid skew to incorrect havok versions, wrong skeleton's etc etc.. Now i'm able to successfully edit animations with max2010 and also export them via Havok exporter. That’s thanks to all the manuals made by the community, though some are a bit confusing and also contradicting one and other....


The problem that I have is probably a connon one but I can't find some good info on how to fix it so i'm asking here. After the export via Havok the animation runs but some bones are incorrectly placed/twisted/connected.


Here are the steps that I took to make the new animation:


- Export ani's with HKXCMD and Dumplist skeleton to use as rigfile in havok.

- Import skeleton in max with NoCam/Licht/Collis. Geometry all off and only user prop buffer off in the misc field. I experimented with different settings but with same end result.

- Import .KF. I didn't import any textutes cuz I dont see why I need them when addit a animation. If something goes wrong on that part I know I should have!

- Fixed skew/scale error With BoneTools. It say'd: strach factor undefined. So I ResetStrech on XYZ /Squize

- Tweaked the the animation in CurveEditor, Saved/load the animation

- Made a Havok filter CreatSkeleton/CreateAnimation/SplineComp/Prune/Write

- Converted the new HKX back with CMD and imported in Nifskope


And in the last step I noticed that the wing's and jaw bones are incorrect. I noticed that the havok rig determines the parrent child relationship, thus i fiddled around with the my file order but I'm only making it worse then it was. So I wonder, is the problem really the rig? Ore should I try and reconnect the bones in NiSkope? I rather not! But, how do I do that, where do I look? I did see that in the NiHeader the text table is having a different index that could also be the problem, objects might look at wrong indexes. The BlockTypeIndex is also different in order but they seem to be pointing to the right elements. Ore maybe the skew/scale is messing up things and the problem is really the skeleton?


I hope someone can/wil explaine to me how to fix my bone order, ore at least point me to a tutorial on how to do that. If you need any information about settings or screenshots please let me know!

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So i did a lot of reading on the help.chm, learned quite a bit, understood quantisation pretty cool stuff, and learned a thing or two about basic animation and rigging.


The rig order was wrong, as I all ready suspected in the above post. And when I come to think of it, it really makes sense. Where would you’re jaw be? Not somewhere stuck on you’re Left Toe. So once I placed the “NPC Jaw” between "NPC LeftEar01" and "NPC RightEar01 " in the rig. Now they are in the right position. The same with the wings, they're with the RobeBone's.


Problem fixed and my animation runs smooth when called by the engine.



Edited by Joz13
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