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I want a bicycle.


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I know there are quite a few travel mods available that enhance fast travel and the like. Even a flyable Veribird. But, I think that a travel idea that is missed is a simple bicycle.


Quicker travel obviously and I think it would be super-easy to develop without having to load up a bunch of files. A change of first person viewpoint (holding a set of handle bars that move similarly to an actual bike depending on amount of pedaling effort) and changing player speed. There would obviously be some issues with terrain but nothing too difficult. Mountain bikes seem to be able to go just about anywhere that a person could go on foot. There are also fold-able compact bikes available that are pack-able. Although, considering I can yank a huge missile launcher from out of nowhere it doesn't seem that far out of lore to be able to suddenly produce a mountain bike with small saddle bags. To keep it simple you could even make it first person only so that you didn't have to do a lot of work with a 3rd person view. I think that would be a decent compromise for the capability.


So, what do you guys think? Quicker terrain navigation without having to replicate a fast travel or do anything with a large vehicle and lore friendly transportation.

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