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Whiterun stone wall texture gap, how to fix this?


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I'm creating new textures but for the Whiterun wrstonebase01 and wrstonebase02 and I'm encountering this issue. There is a gap between these two textures as in the below image:




I've created the exact same texture set (incl. parallax map only for the lower texture). The gap appears no matter what I do.


E.g. I load the vanilla mesh and textures of WR breezehome base into NIFscope: it looks correct.

Then I load my textures into NIFscope: the gap appears.


There is no gap on my texture images though. They are exactly the same format and dimensions as the vanilla textures.


I saw this issue occurring with a few other texture packs. And some other texture packs yet again don't have the gap issue (Tamriel Reloaded for example). But I can't figure out what causes the gap. It seems to be on the lower texture only (you can see when selecting the lower mesh in NIFscope).


Any ideas what causes this?

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