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Opening the Console


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I do not have much, if any, modding or coding experience, but I had a question. How easy, or hard, would it be to create a mod whose only function was to open up the console window. I know that including myself, many people are having the problem where the console does not open. We have tried all options available but cannot open it.


My thoughts were to evaluate how hard it would be to make something like that, and if it was easy enough, to make it myself with what little ability I have, assuming its ridiculously easy. My thinking was it would work like the "ring of console" for Oblivion, except it would wait for a key pressed on the keyboard, like "k" or something, and output the value for the ~ key directly into the game engine. How hard would that be?

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I used the console ~ key to open the console command and it worked on my PC,first Mod Code i used was the god mode cheat,from obliv,and it worked as well,if you whant to try and use it just to explore i would say use it,the cheat is : Open Console command useing ~ Key then Type Tgm then hit Enter

that's it ,I have not Tryed useing the outher commands yet but will test them Tonight,i have a List of them i used to Milk Mod my obliv PC game just with console commands only,will be trying set scale command tonight on some mole rats,and radroach's,but changeing scale on small beast's can only be done to a set scale becuse the animation's get messed up and the beast will not look normal in its movement,then the next one will be cloneing some of the small best to make packs of them within small locations ,wish me luck on that one,

well good luck...

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I must not have explained myself completely. Many of us are having the trouble where pushing the ~ does nothing, and there is no other way to access the console. I have tried all the methods of resolving the issue; Changing the keyboard's regional settings, disabling the IR device, and other methods. I believe it has something to do with Vista Premium messing with the inputs of the ~ key, thus not letting it get to the game. There is the same problem with Oblivion, which I also have. The only solution that worked for me was the "Ring of Console", but because the lack of a Construction Set at the moment, mods are short to come by.
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I'm not sure how to do what you are asking, but I have heard this is an issue with some laptops and keyboards. Apparently Toshiba products are the culprit. If you are using one these laptops or keyboards you could try googling it with that in mind, you might get more relevant results.
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It's not that you can't open it. Depending on the resolution you are playing at, the console appears off screen. Type in a bunch of random letters (20 or so letters) and watch the bottom left of your screen. You'll start seeing what you are typing eventually.


The "console" isn't like most games where a giant block of black appears from the top of the screen. It's just a small blinking text cursor in the bottom left. Try it. :)

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Nope it is a problem with the console not opening at all. I've been researching this for a couple of days now. In some cases disabling the IR receiver for a media center remote fixes the problem, and in others it's because a keyboard with media buttons interferes with the key inputs. I have tried all of this and it still does not work. I am using a laptop, but that should make no difference because it has to do with the Vista operating system and the media center that comes with the premium edition.
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Yeah it's a regional problem. I have the same problem and it happened too with oblivion, so some modders made the ring of console which opened the console when you were wearing it. I guess that's what UberHobo is asking, a ring of console for fallout3.
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Well maybe not a ring of console necessarily. I was wondering if it could be done as almost as a hotkey. The mod waits for the user to input a key, one that can be recognized, like "k". And when the user presses the key, the mod, being in game, can simulate to the game that the user pressed the ~ key. So it takes the function of the ring, without the ring.
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I thought my console was un-openable too until I started looking around in the Fallout.ini file. There are commands for the X and Y location of the console. Try messing with them. Also, there might be more commands in that area of the .ini file to enable or disable it...I don't know, I haven't looked. :P
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