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Three things that would help continuity in the endgame...


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My theory is that they spent way too much time on the beginning of the game, before you leave the vault. Maybe it was to help review scores, or maybe they just logically started there and got too caught up in writing the rhymes for "You're Special", or something. They did a really good job on that part of the game, too bad it is the most boring part that we are forced to sit though every new game. Incidentally, when I heard the bits and pieces pre-release about how many things happen pre-exodus, this was exactly what I was worried about.



Ack, I was actually quite annoyed by the opening sequence. I mean, the first time I played through it I was much impressed, but the second time I was just in a hurry to get out into the wastelands that I was doing my best trying to get them to shut up. I made a save just before leaving the vault for my next three playthroughs so that I could just create a character and leave.


Too many things in this game seem rushed. Like they were trying to make F3 on a shoestring budget under major time constraints. I wouldn't have minded waiting another year (I'd waited long enough already) for them to have come out with a more polished product instead of this modification of Oblivion.


To end my rant, I wish they had simply stayed with the tried and true select/create a new character and then "welcome to the vault/village, we need you to save us sucker/chosen one."

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I made a save just before leaving the vault for my next three playthroughs so that I could just create a character and leave.


There might already be one posted, but can you post this vanilla save point?


I have similar frustrations as all of you.. with such a full game you would think the ending itself would be either a longer quest or have much more story involved.

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Myeah, the latter part of the main quest seems extremely contrived and the result of "bad writing" or lack of development time. The fact that you, even as a bad guy, get pigeonholed into being the Brotherhood Lapdog makes little sense to me - at the very least there should have been an alternate endning where the player was allowed to help the Enclave reclaim Project Purity and destroy Liberty Prime rather than having to agonizingly sit and pretend to want to help the 'Hood. You don't even get much incentive to help them as a good guy due to lack of side missions for the brotherhood, and the whole "honorary Brotherhood member" seems so rediculously tacked on, that it made me cringe.


Honestly I wish Bethesda would look into hiring some better writers for their products, because the main quests in both Oblivion and Fallout 3 have been complete letdowns to me compared to "epic" stories like those found in the original Fallout or contemporary fantasy classics like Planescape or Baldur's Gate. Bethesda's game tech is incredible, but their ability to spin a compelling story yarn to complement their games is severely lacking.

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Myeah, the latter part of the main quest seems extremely contrived and the result of "bad writing" or lack of development time. The fact that you, even as a bad guy, get pigeonholed into being the Brotherhood Lapdog makes little sense to me - at the very least there should have been an alternate endning where the player was allowed to help the Enclave reclaim Project Purity and destroy Liberty Prime rather than having to agonizingly sit and pretend to want to help the 'Hood. You don't even get much incentive to help them as a good guy due to lack of side missions for the brotherhood, and the whole "honorary Brotherhood member" seems so rediculously tacked on, that it made me cringe.


Honestly I wish Bethesda would look into hiring some better writers for their products, because the main quests in both Oblivion and Fallout 3 have been complete letdowns to me compared to "epic" stories like those found in the original Fallout or contemporary fantasy classics like Planescape or Baldur's Gate. Bethesda's game tech is incredible, but their ability to spin a compelling story yarn to complement their games is severely lacking.


I've commented about this in another thread also, about being forced to be a good guy. I wasn't allowed to join the Enclave because I liked the idea of my character committing genocide of all the mutants. It sorta forced me to be an unwilling pawn (there was three options to help you destroy the Enclave base but Zero for helping them out). I blew up Megaton and my father tries to guilt trip me about it, what's with that? If you give the code to Col. Autumn, he kills you. You can't even enslave children at will (I know, I tried), only specific ones by taking them to slavers.


It just forces you to be a goody-goody... or else!

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didnt col autumn die from the same extreme dose of radiation that killed your father?


i was pretty sure he did... didn't he, or was that just a hallucination brought on by the effects of high levels of radiation, nope pretty sure he did

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didnt col autumn die from the same extreme dose of radiation that killed your father?


he used some improved enclave radX or RadAway while you werent watching :) no really, look again



and why enclave as soon as they arrive become enemys? i understand in oblivion you wont join demons that want to destroy all humans, but enclave aint fuсking demons! they dont destroy all living, how would they get new members for 200 years?? :verymad:


and when the fuсk outcasts become evil?? i have lawbringer, and every time i kill the outcast he gives me the finger :unsure: and why cant i join them? "bring me the laser rifle peasant, and ill give you this shiny thingy" :mellow: die bitсh, burn!

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sorry my last post yes col autumn did use advanced Anti - rad x drug that prevents him to died off the explosion . but the truth is even if he uses advanced drug it cant guruanted an impact explosion like that can kill people even npcs lol


so in my case that some of autum body parts even legs or left arm could be radiated or crippled *laughs out loud * the schmuck who wont learn how to be cool well enclave is cool but yeah sad t o say Say no to enclave !

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Advanced Rad-X medicine is such a load btw The Chosen One (MY HERO!!) blew up the Enclave, president and oil tanker and all an entire game ago, so I'm still wondering what the hell! (And I'm not sure about your chosen ones but mine... well put simply She destroyed Navvaro too.
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