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Does any know what the setting iCrimeAlarmLowRecDistance affects as opposed to the iCrimeAlarmRecDistance? The default for iCrimeAlarmLowRecDistance is 2000 and 4000 for iCrimeAlarmRecDistance. From research most people edit only iCrimeAlarmRecDistance to lower the crazy distance in which actors can report crimes to guards. 4000 seems too low of a distance to be using the standard Skyrim unit so I was wondring if there were other types of units used.
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Does any know what the setting iCrimeAlarmLowRecDistance affects as opposed to the iCrimeAlarmRecDistance? The default for iCrimeAlarmLowRecDistance is 2000 and 4000 for iCrimeAlarmRecDistance. From research most people edit only iCrimeAlarmRecDistance to lower the crazy distance in which actors can report crimes to guards. 4000 seems too low of a distance to be using the standard Skyrim unit so I was wondring if there were other types of units used.




So what are you trying to do I'm confused.. are you trying to make the crime radius larger or smaller?


I'm not sure about editing the ini on this but i do know of a mod called Realistic Crime Radius that might solve your problem.

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