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Frequent freezes


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It sort of saddens me to read what is necessary to remedy this problem. It's like being told, "If you want to be able to drive your car and avoid most problems, you MUST become a knowledgeable mechanic!" But I do NOT want become a mechanic! I just want to be able to drive from Point A to Point B without breaking down every mile or two. It seems like the only real two choices are 1) become an actual modder rather than just someone that uses mods, or 2) don't use any mods. I suppose there is _some_ middle ground that involves the user doing a fair amount of QA as he installs a mod, test for X hours of play to discern if problems arise; add another mod and test again... and again... and again... and again... It's an exercise to find which gives out first: the number of interesting mods to considered and tested, or the player's patience to start playing the game Full Steam Ahead without distractions like the need to keep one's mind on the testing?


To a certain extent, I guess doing modding is like being an Accountant: Most people are mind boggled to understand why someone would want to stare at numbers all day? While at the same time the Accountant finds his work absolutely fascinating. And yet we ALL benefit from the fact that there _are_ Accounting-minded people amongst us.


So, to all of you modding types here, I salute you! Don't understand how you do what you do, but I nevertheless appreciate the fruits of your labor... sort of... kind of... when things aren't crashing down all around me...

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Well extending your analogy the car you buy from the maker is like the vanilla(unmodded) game and runs fine and will get you from A to B, and rims and paintjobs and engine parts and other aftermarket items are like mods and will get you from A to B faster and in style, like after market items the makers of the mods often have only the vanilla game in mind if they dont list some requirements or recomendations, and often times getting 3 different rim types will cause your car to drive unballanced and need to be reballanced by someone who knows what they are doing.


The same is true of mods for games, they build up inconsistancies and overlaps the more you put on, and sometimes you have to fix it or it no longer runs, yeah you can ask a modder to fix it and they will if they want, but its better if you figure out how mods work and fix them so you can use them without crashing your game.


Modding is more like driving while gaming is more being a passenger to the developers, if you start driving before you know what your doing your more likely to drive straight for a while and crash into the tree in the neighbors yard.

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My main question would be after getting everything running again did you remove Crimson tide in the way I described? Because it could also be something like bad scripts stacking and stacking until POW! Or, who knows, your GPU temperature slowly building to a critical level. Or background programs hogging the RAM you need. Or gremlins. Can't discount gremlins.

_Finally_ got around to dropping Crimson Tide. Went to Proudspire, Saved, slept for 24 hours, separate Save, Quit to desktop, opened NMM, unchecked Crimson Tide, opened Skyrim, Continued last game, fresh Saved, started playing again. EIGHT INCREDIBLE HOURS LATER, I still haven't had a crash of any kind! I was expecting a freeze within 4 hours, but it never materialized.


I am dumbfounded to think that out of 70+ installed mods, that just removing ONE of them could have such a dramatic effect on the Stability. I thought for sure I would be playing hide-and-go-seek for at least the next few weeks.


Thank you, TrippingStripedPony! x (a really big number)!

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