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Ooh ooh! I really would like to help.


I didn't actually make this house, but I did re-decorate it.




And edited and expanded the npc journals already put in there. If you needed any written material for a given story-line, I could probably be of some help.


So, yeah, my experience is extremely limited...but I have this extreme tunnel-vision patience when it comes to arranging virtual objects juuuust right and I've kinda got a taste for it now.


Anyhow, If I can be of any help...I'd be more than happy to!

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From what I can tell, you'd be a good object placer. However, I don't have the final say on that; it's ultimately up to demonman, so we'll have to wait for him.
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Oh, ok then. Heh. I just wasn't sure and didn't want to do anything like that without your permission. Did you get my email? I sent it to the hotmail address you provided. Also, what are your thoughts on my plan for getting this thing off the ground?
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Huh... I must say I didn't expect to be co-managing this, just doing some voice work and writing, but I would love to help you get things together. I think the first step with this would be to do a few things:


We need to contact and consolidate everyone who has said they want to do work for this mod and make sure they are still in. We also need somewhere to communicate and consolidate ideas. I recommend that you get a free forum from Invision or Proboards for this project, that way we can get everyone working together and actively sharing ideas and getting input. Chatting through Skype or IM would be good, because then we could talk and discuss in real time and thus be more effective than slow back-and-forth through message boards. I'll contact you through email soon and we'll figure out how we communicate more directly.


As far as actual development goes, we (pretty much you, since this is your concept) need to get started with a basic outline of what is going to happen with this mod. This mostly starts with you, and we just elaborate on stuff and add on ideas. I can work with you, however, to help you develop the basic concept that we'll work off of, but again, I will elaborate in a later email.



Brilliant! http://jankowstonproject.proboards.com/index.cgi?/

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Yes, brilliant! </guinessbeercommercial>


Okay, so I've joined. Try and contact the other people and let them know the forum is ready and to go there and sign up if they want to get to work on the project :D

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