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My Lakeview Manor Mod - Hearthfire


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Here's my vision for the lakeview manor mod.


General Description

I loved Hearthfire, but I was disappointed that the armoury, the library, and the kitchen were all shared in 1 wing! Gah, that's the 3 most wanted wings! I wanted to mod Hearthfire to incorporate all the features it offers into 1 plot of land. Lakeview Manor was my favorite spot and it's in my favorite region.


I mostly wanted to change the house subtlely, but still wanted the place to feel cozy and not to over the top. Hopefully all my ideas will come into fruition and this can be a permanent, comfortable, and private residence for the Dragonborn.


I will need help and an education in some areas, I'm unfortunately new to modding, but I'm somewhat familiar with computers and I'm a quick learner. I maybe need a lot of help (credit will be given as necessary), but I'm inspired and willing to work on this mod. When it is done, I plan to release it unto Nexus and for others to add onto it.


Current changes



- Rotated the house to face the lake.

- Combined the tower and the sloped-roof wings into one wing. (see picture)

- Cropped the entry house closer into the main hall (for cosmetic reasons.)

- Temporarily moved Animal Pen, Garden, Grinder, Smelter, Workbench off site.




- None so far


Planned changes (so far)



- Edit to have larger animal pen in the back (Include Goats, more nest eggs)

- Edit to have larger garden, (more plant plots) in the back

- Add Mill in the back

- Add fish hatchery to the lake

- Add trail to front door


Interior: (Major overhaul)

The upstairs will have the tower room wings, the downstairs the roped sloped room wings


The Upstair Wings

- Add Alchemy Laboratory to the Right Tower

- Enchanting Laboratory is fine in the Left Tower (small changes may occur)

- Add Library shelves to the Back tower in the Bedroom


The Upstairs

2 Areas, Upstairs Lobby and Master Bedroom


Upstairs Lobby/Showcase/Armoury

- Add 4 Mannequins

- Add display tables

- Add wall plaques

- Remove small Enchanting Laboratory (redundant)


Master Bedroom/Study

- Add desk with map of tamriel on the wall

- Add Royal Bed

- Add shelves with jewerly boxes, etc.

- Add Wardrobes

- Add 1 Mannequin and 1 small weapon rack (immersion for current equipment)

- Add library shelves that extend into the back tower



The Downstairs WIngs

- The Kitchen is fine with the Right Wing (small changes may occur)

- Add Children's master bedroom in the Left Wing

- Unplanned changes in the Back wing (see below)



The Downstairs

- The dining room is fine (small changes may occur - add food on the table)

- Remove alchemy station (redundant)

- Reorganize the entry-way (small changes, mostly furniture)


Possible Ideas for the back 2 rooms (suggestions are very welcome!)

- Room with Hot Bath

- Greenhouse with storage

- Extention of dining room with a lounge area

- Alcohhol Shelves

- Some storage

- More Armoury/Showcase/Trophy Room


I like the Room with Hot Bath and extention of the Dining Room personally, but again I welcome ideas I have not thought of.


Possible miscellaenous Changes

- Add more doors exterior to skyrim

- Recolor the wood to a darker tone (Will need help)

- Adjust decorations/lighting as necessary

- Add a Huskey or Dog

- Add more NPCS

- Add a Caged Sabrecat Scarface/Mike Tyson style (maybe not?)




Current issues that I need help with.

Cropping - Unfortunately, the tower wings and the downstairs wings mesh together, my only option is to crop the areas separately. I don't know how to do this.

Compatibility - Obviously the Lakeview Manor will be changed, but couldn't the other Hearthfire plots be overwritten for others that download this mod? This will need to be confirmed and needs to be taken very seriously. If there's no workaround, only thing to do is to put a warning into the description.

Recolor/Retexture - I do not how to do this, if anyone has help, it'll be much appreciated :D

The other Hearthfire plots - Unfortunately, I don't plan to work on the other 2 plots. When I'm done, I'll gladly turn it over for someone else to use this mod for the other plots if they wish.

Ability to build from drafting plans - This is least of my concerns. I know it's a major hit to the immersion, but it's unnessary work for me at this time. Hopefully when this mod is completed, I'll turn it over to whoever wants to implement this feature.



Thanks for reading and for your comments!

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Hey there,


I'm working (at least trying to) on a Mod for Lakeview too, and I assure You, I am even never to modding (Can count the days with one Hand ;) )

So, this is not an advice or an offering, unfortunately, but asking for help. In Your picture, you turned the house for 180° and allowed to build two wings on one side at the same time. My problem right now is, that I can't do that. I cant move the pile of wood, neither the crafting tables especially made for Hearthfire, the entry hall, main hall, Wings etc... I move all the objects and markers (collision marker etc) I find related to a part of the house, but when I load my mod, I find them nice and tidy arranged, where they were before.

Would you be so kind to tell me, what I am missing? There has to be a part, I didn't move or edit. You've proven that ;)




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  • 6 months later...

Looking to do something similar, yet even a newer modder.

Im a person for mannequins in the armory. so solution more armory rooms, i simply want to add a armory to all 3 sides of my house. plain and simple, is it possible?

Is there something i can get reading/ looking at that will help me with this mod? any research i find that i feel will aid your mods i will gladly help out/ make a tutorial for you.

Thanx Markes12344

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

OMG! Do want this mod. I'm sorry that I have no advice or can help (never modded before in my life). But whatever way I can support this, I will support.



EDIT: I thought it would be better if you could place ANY of the additions onto ANY of the wings, instead of being limited on where to put stuff. I mean, doesn't it work this way in "real life"?

Edited by Jorvax
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*edit* whoops, just realized this thread is ancient. Oh well, might still be useful for someone else. Sorry.



Wow... seams like there are quite a few Lakeview mods underway which is great to see! I'm working on one as well and have been helping another modder with his own version. Firstly, if you're going to the trouble of making a Lakeview mod, and you don't want to be stuck with the appalling lighting in the vanilla Lakeview manor, I suggest you look at my Modular Lakeview Meshes resource: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/41645/? it will allow you to vastly improve the interior lighting of your mod.


Now that I've gotten my shameless plug out of the way, I can shed some light on azrael0411's problem as I've encountered the same problem myself.


Because of the construction aspect to the Hearthfire homes, they are not stored in game the same way that other static houses are. They are effectively part of the players inventory and are very much tied to the save files of the player. This is why moving them in the CK doesn't make them move in game, because the save file is overwriting their positions and moving them back to their original locations. At least, that's my limited understanding of it.


The solution is to start from a clean 'no Hearthfire' save. Don't worry, you don't have to start the game all over again you just need to create a clean save without Hearthfire or your mod loaded.


Then, when you re-enable Hearthfire and you mod and load up your new clean save, all the changes you've made to Lakeview should be working as intended. Keep using this clean save during your mod build process. This also means that when you release your mod, anyone who wished to use it will most likely need to start from a clean 'no hearthfire' save as well.


Hope that help. Good luck!

Edited by mrpdean
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